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-'Well, she's gaining weight fine, she's growing slowly but that will change. As for her hearing, her left side is completely gone, but the right side is 100% sharp, okay? This isn't anything too major, she'll still be able to communicate like a normal child and talk and respond to the world around her. We thought her partial deafness could be heralding something more sinister but that's just not the case, your sweet girl is fine', Gaga sighed in relief and nodded, -'It's crazy how my due date was supposed to be around this week and...she's already here', -'Yeah, it happens. Noa's been pretty good compared to other preemies I've treated. Just tell Mark to not worry a lot either', -'Oh he's not. Noa loves him. Like adores him, they live for each other', -'Aww well I'm glad to hear that!...So how've you been? Are you gonna start working again soon?', -'Yeah! Of course! You know me, Michelle, I cant stay still for too long', Gaga chuckled, -'I'm gonna start writing and composing again soo things are gonna get exciting', -'Ah, excellent. Hey, you still wanna get your tubes tied?', -'Oh yes! Honey I wasn't kidding when I told you that haha! I'm done with kids and so is Mark. We were lucky we got one of each huh?', -'Yeah sure! Well, next time you come we can talk more about that'.

-'Baby what are you doing?' Mark asked his wife, -'Today's my first day back on the threadmill! What do you mean?!', -'Isn't it going too fast?', Gaga was breathing so hard she couldn't hear herself, -'Maybe it is' she gasped for air, -'I'm sweating all the fat off baby! I'm gonna look hot for you again', Mark chuckled and watched her for a while, -'You already look hot babe, no need to try and kill yourself via threadmill!', Gaga rolled her eyes at him, -'Okay then I'll do this for myself! I love feeling my muscles waking up again', -'I hear someone waking up and it's not your muscles. And they seem to want some mommy love', Gaga sighed deeply, -'Okay, I'll be back here later' she said, going to tend for her baby daughter.

-'Mommy look!' Gianluca showed his mother his painting, -'Wow! Did you do that all on your own?', -'Yes!' He smiled proudly, -'Its so beautiful baby! Is that our house?', -'Yes! And there's mommy, daddy, me and Noa. And the puppies!', Gaga felt like crying, -'This is so cute baby, and so special to me', Gi giggled and blushed before kissing his mom, -'You wanna hang it in your room buddy?' Joe asked him from the living room, -'YES!', -'Okaybthen! You're gonna learn how to hang something today!'.

-'I go back to work next week' Gaga said to her husband, -'Ohh, neat! Back to the studio?', -'Yeah! I'm taking Noa with me', -'Good idea, she's only small', -'Mhmm...its crazy, can you believe my due date was like a few days ago?', -'Yeah, that's curious. Noa is fine right? I didnt asked you about that doctors visit, I forgot', -'Yeah, she's fine...gosh I have to start my diet' she moaned, looking into the fridge, -'Which means, we'll have to start dieting as well?', -'Yup! No more pizza, no more fried chicken...if I have to go through a diet, y'all have to, too', Mark rolled his eyes, -'I'm not fat though', Gaga raised an eyebrow, -'I'm not fat either Mark, but we have cto be healthy!'.
-'Hey Nadir' Gaga announced her presence at the recording studio, making RedOne turn around and flash her a smile, -'Hey-Oooh! You got company huh?', Gaga smiled wide and nodded, -'This is Noa Juliette! Isn't she the cutest?', -'Absolutely! And cute beanbag!', Gaga smiled and hugged her long time friend, -'It's so good to be back honestly', -'When you called me I thought you were still in bed rest but you-', -'Yeah she decided to come early so it kinda shifted all my plans huh?', -'Awww well...are we ready to uhm...start again?', -'Yeah! She's asleep  so don't mind her, I'll just put her in the corner', she laid the baby car seat containing her daughter on the couch and stretched her body before revieweing her notes, -'I think we can finish these arrangements here, what do you say?'.
-'SO!' Gaga laid back on the bed with a huge smile, Mark looked at her, -'You bought a really hot piece of lingerie and-', -'No!' Gaga laughed, pinching Mark's cheek playfully, -'Ah, shit, then I don't wanna hear it', Gaga pouted, -'Guess what Nadir asked me', Mark raised an eyebrow, -'I don't know...?', -'He asked me if you wanted to be on the new album', she saw her husband smile wide, -'What? Are you-are you really up for that again?', -'Yeah! Of course baby!', -'Holy shit! Of course I wanna work on your album', -'Awww! We'll have fun' she giggled while climbing on his lap, -'I promise', Mark kissed her hard and slid a hand down her back and into her panties, he squeezed her ass and let her lay on his chest, -'Is this comfy for you?', -'Very' she said, with a smug grin on her face, -'Okay then, we can sleep like this tonight', Gaga sighed very deeply, -'If I wasn't tired and my tits didn't hurt I'd hop on your hot, wet cock tonight but-', -'You kiss our kids with that mouth', -'Come on, I know you like my dirty talk', she yawned and looked up, -'But I'm tired and sleepy...', Mark chuckled, -'Goodnight Stef, I love you', -'I love you too babe'.

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