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-'No, no no, theres nothing to be afraid of anymore', Mark laid a hand on her hand and this time she didnt pulled it away, she then whispered something through the tears, -'Pain', -'I know, I know princess...the doctors will come shortly to explain what happened in the exam, okay?', Gaga suddenly tensed up and pulled away from him, -'You'll be safe Stef, Im gonna be there for you the whole time', the terrified woman tried to even her breathing, -'Gi?' She asked with a thin voice, -'Gianluca's with your parents. They were here but they left to take care of him...you have to be strong for him Stef, he needs you, youre his mother; you cant give up ok?'. As soon as he finished the little pep talk, two doctors came in with two nurses, Gaga immediately curled up in a ball, even if it produced her agony.
All she heard was 'lacerations....surgery....' and then she heard -'We found semen but we removed it and-', the thought of a rapist coming inside of her made her sick, her stomach turned and her face went white. She leaned to the side and vomited in disgust, Mark held her hand tight and rubbed it gently for soothing; the doctors sighed as a nurse tied back Gaga's hair and washed her off with some wipes, -'You're okay Stef, you're okay', -'We hace to see how things are looking okay? So we're gonna ask you to just let us....you know', Mark sighed deeply, -'Baby they have to see how youre evolving, I know it's hard to do but-', -'I understand' she whispered. One of the nurses lifted up the garments and put her legs up in stirrups, Gaga poked Mark's shoulder and pointed at an oxygen mask hanging beside her, she felt like she was gonna start hyperventilating soon enough and she didnt wanted to look like an idiot in front of people. Mark tied the mask on her face and held her hand again, -'Okay' one of the doctors spoke, -'What I see here in plain sight is that the bleeding stopped, but we still have to do reconstructive surgery on the inside, which will have to happen very soon...now that youre awake and not sedated , I want you to tell me from 1 to 10 how much it hurts'.
The examination was toiling and hard for her, the number ranged from 7 to 10. Everything hurt.
-'So, we will do the reconstructive surgery tonight, because we cant have those wounds opened and the faster we do it, the better it will be', Gaga nodded and covered herself with the blanket again, -'You did good...now, theres a detective outside who wants to talk to you', Gaga shook her head vigurously, -'No...?', the woman pointed at Mark, who just nodded, -'I'll talk for her' he announced, the doctor nodded and made the detective go in, leaving them alone with the official.

Gaga whispered something on Mark's ear, he nodded, -'So then she was leaning over the mixing board, you know, the ones in music studios' the detective nodded and continued recording the statement, -'And then he pushed her forward and put a hand over her mouth', Gaga leaned in again and whispered more information, -'And then he pulled his pants down and forced himself inside of her', -'Okay...I'm sorry to tell you both that this man has fled the country. We know he was goung to Germany, but we have no info on if he landed or not...the thing is, we cant just reach in a country and jail up some guy', Mark intervened, -'Hold on. This is not just some guy. This is the bloody pig who raped my girlfriend and the mother of my son, okay? So youre gonna do everything you can and you'll bring him here so I can kill him myself', Gaga held his hand and pushed her head further into the pillow, the detective sighed deeply, -'We'll keep you posted in any advances, thank you'.

Gaga stopped talking altogether. She talked with her eyes, and Mark could understand everything. The trauma manifested like this and he couldnt just force her to forget about such a situation. 
-'Do you wanna talk to the baby?' He asked, pulling his phone out, -'He's having fun with Natali, you know', Gaga sighed and shook her head gently, curling up like a ball and waving at him to sit beside her. She was holding into him like he was the safest place jnbthe world. And maybe he was.
Mark let Gaga caress his hair and hold it for soothing, anything that helped her, he was willing to do.
Joe and Cynthia arrived a few hours before Gaga was supposed to be having surgery, they tried to talk to her but she just refused. Like her brain was processing some situations and she didnt want to transmit to anyone.
-'Loopy we brought you roses and your favorite chocolate, do you love it?', Gaga nodded and held her mom's hand like sayiing thank you, -'Natali also sent us a video of Gianluca dedicated to you, wanna watch it?', Gaga nodded again and Mark held Joe's phone closer so she could watch.
It was like seeing her son for the first time. He was in his pajamas eating some watermelon for breakfast. like the little man he was, he spoke with a thick british accent, -'I love you mamma, i want you to come home now...okay, bye, i love you', and the video ended. Simple words that made her feel like she was stabbed. She startes cryjng, knowing that she had to fight to get out of this dark hole for that little person anxiously waiting for her.

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