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-'Can you stay?' Gaga asked Mark, who was just getting out of the shpwer to go to work, -'Uhmm...I guess I can, if that's what you want', he then started brushing his teeth, -'Yeah, would be nice...maybe you can make love to me as well', Mark froze, he rinsed his mouth quickly, -'Are we ready for that though?' He asked her with his thick, overly suave accent, -'Yeah, i think its time things go back to normal around here. I'm so tired of being sad' she sobbed. Mark sighed deeply and hugged her tight, -'You dont have to be sad anymore. I'm here Stef, we are all here to make you feel better. I know it takes time but hey, we got you', Gaga nodded and got up, -'I'm gonna get pretty for you' she smiled, going on about her morning routine. When she opened the door again, her scent hit Mark's face. Brown sugar, honey, vanilla and mint. It was out of this world. She looked good, simple; she never needed make up, her skin was always clear and her face was always flawless.
-'Come here' he opened his arms and watched Gaga as she approached him, jumping into his lap, -'Stef, are you sure?', -'Yeah!' She replied, seemingly convinced, -'Okay...'.
Mark started kissing her in all the right places, to be honest, Gaga was a bit nervous and scared. Her body wasnt reacting the ways it should to his gentle touch and loving kisses. He kissed her neck, her now prominent collarbone, her boobs and her cheeks, -'That tickles!' She giggled, with that flirty smile of hers, Mark chuckled and kissed her deeply, -'You ready?' He asked her, looking into her eyes; Gaga nodded seemingly determined, -'Yeah'.
Mark pulled at the hem of her pajama pants and slid them off along with her underwear, he stroked her pussy very gently, making her twitch just a little bit, -'Stef...tell me the truth', -'Mark just fuck me okay?' She insisted with a dry laugh. He carefully stroked her clit, trying to get her lubricated enough for an easy way in.
Gaga pulled down his boxers and grabbed his dick in her small hands, stroking it and trying to make it hard enough, -'Ughh I missed this so much' she smiled, as she sensed the member growing stiffer, -'Do you want me to wrap it up?' He asked, he was so turned on he could barely utter a word, -'No, I'm on the pill, come on!'. Her enthusiasm told him he was doing all the right things so he just tried to enter her as gently as he could. And still, he could see the pain in her face. -'Stef! I'm hurting you!', -'NO! Come on!', -'You're almost sobbing here, lets just stop' he insiste, pulling out of her incredibly tight genitals. Gaga gasped in relief and sat beside him, -'I can't help it' she admitted, -'It's alright baby, we'll do it at our own pace when you're ready I don't want to force you to do anything', Gaga lowered her head and sighed deeply, -'I thought this was gonna be special', -'Stef...being with you is already special. Sex can wait. I dont wanna do it if I know it's gonna hurt you'; the woman nodded reluctantly and hugged him, -'I'm such a damn loser' she chuckled, putting on her underwear again, -'Youre a queen to me, always know that', he kissed her head and put his boxers on again.
Not long after, just like clockwork, Gianluca entered the bedroom, seeing as his two parents were home, -'Daddy, work?' He asked, -'I decided to stay home today, come here champ', -'Wait wait, are you not gonna give your birth giver a kiss first?', Gi went to his mom first and greeted her gleefully.

For the rest of the day, Gaga really tried to keep her shit together, she decided that happiness and family was the only way, and she'd use every drop of support she had to her own benefit. She now understood people were really trying to help her. Nothing about it was fake, this was just her family wanting to see her thrive and leave the past behind, even if she knew it would never really go away.

She saw Mark laying face down on a beach chair, trying to enjoy the last rays of sun before it got too cold and they had to go inside. She smiled. This man was everything she wanted and more. Not only was he absolutely brilliant and virtuous in music, he was sweet, caring and stern when he had to be. He was also an excellent father, even after all the bickering they went through years ago. There was no one in this world that could compare to him. She felt her heart swell, so she tip toed over there and laid on top of him.
-'Jesus Christ you almost killed me of a heart attack woman!' He gasped, holding her hand from behind his shoulder, -'I just wanted to come say hi and thank you' she said with her sweet innocent voice, -'Thank you for what?', he felt her face get hot, oh no. Here came the waterworks. -'Just, for being good to me Mark and empowering me again and-and loving me despite everything I've done or gone through, I thank you and love you so much for that' she admitted, hot tears falling into his shoulder and down his arm, -'Babe, there's no one else I'd like by my side honestly. I do this because I love you, and I've told you everytime I've had the chance. I love you Stef, this is just the start of a new chapter, right? The one where you heal and recover and feel more loved than ever before', -'Right...I love how that sounds'.

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