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It was one of those days where we weren't aloud to leave the house. Everyone was in the kitchen. No sound at all. You could probably hear a pin drop from a block away. That's how quiet it is. Everyone was bored. They were asking me for ideas. But, I didn't have any. I've run out of ideas. I just want to do something.

I decided to go out to the backyard. Once I walk out, I shiver. It was cold. I sit on the bench. It was even quiet outside. I guess the whole world is having a boring day. The only thing I heard heard was the wind. And the leaves blowing. I didn't hear any cars outside.

Maybe it's like this because I'll be going home on Sunday. I'll be in the sing off against someone and then go home. Either because three of the judges don't like me much or I didn't get much votes. But, I'll probably be going home.

"Why are you out here all alone?" I turn my head seeing Matt. He looked really good on his jacket.

He sits down besides me. "I don't really know. Maybe it's a lot more fun out here then in there." I say.

"It are you just thinking about what's gonna happen tomorrow?" It's like he can read my mind.

"Maybe." I say tapping my index fingers together.

"Stop thinking about what's gonna happen." He puts his hand on my leg. "You're gonna be alright. Trust me."

"But, you don't know that Matt. No ones safe in this competition. No one. I feel like I'll be leaving soon. I can go home."

"And you can stay. You have a 20 percent chance of leaving home. Nothing's going me to happen." He says. He pulls me closer to him and I bury my face in his neck.

"I hope you're right." I say.

"I am right." I look at him. And he looks at me. I give him a small smile before gently putting my lips to his. It feels like forever kissing him. I can kiss him all day.

We pull away at the same time, needing air. I bury my face back into his neck as we cuddle together. I don't want all this to end. I love it here.

We were all getting ready for our performances. I was nervous. It's not that long until I go. I hope I do alright.

I do feel like I'll be going home one of these days. I just know it. Maybe tomorrow. Or next week. Or the week after that. I just don't know.

"Stop thinking about you leaving or I'm going to slap you." I turn my head seeing Nathan and Matt.

"You wouldn't slap me." I say.

"Yes I would." Nathan tells me.

"Prove it." I smirk. He brings his hand up and slaps my lightly. "Ok, maybe you would." I laugh. He laughs too.

I've been getting along with Nathan a lot. He's my best friend in the house. Right after Matt of course. Nathan can definitely make me laugh.

"So, will you stop now?" Matt asks.

"Fine." I give in. "Aren't the two of you nervous?" I ask.

"We are. Just not as nervous as you, that's for sure." Matt smiles. I glare at him. Ha walks closer and kisses my cheek. "You look beautiful." He whispers. I blush.

"And you look handsome." I smile at him. He kisses me again.

"Ok you two, no more kisses until the shows over." Nathan says. We pull away and I slap his arm.

"That hurt." He says sarcastically. I glare at him. This is gonna be one show.

Very, very, very, sorry for the long update. I was out for a wile and there was no wifi where I was at. I'm so sorry. If I ever do this again I'll slap myself.

And I have a message. Please read

I want this story to have more views, and votes then my other story. You probably don't know it because it's an anime. But I still want this story to get more views and votes. So please, share this on Instagram or something. I want more people to see this.

Ok, BYE!!

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