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I finished my performance. I was up on stage waiting for the judges comments. To me, I don't think I did that well. Hopefully the judges liked it.

"Casey, that was great. But, I don't think it was your best performance. I think the vocals were a little off. But, it was still great." Louis says. I knew it wasn't my best.

"Yes, I don't think it was a good song. Maybe you could've done better." Sharon says. I nod my head.

"That was great. I don't know what Louis was talking about when he said the vocals were off. Your vocals were great. But, the staging wasn't that great. That's the problem. I know you can do better." Nicole says. I'm not used to these but I need to get used to them.

"I disagree with all of them. Except for Nicole a little bit. Everything was fantastic. Staging, vocals, everything. Don't listen to them. It was amazing." Simon says. I smile.

Dermott asks me questions. I answer them and walk off stage. I hug Matt right away almost about to cry. "I'm gonna go. I just know it." I say.

"No you're not. You're gonna stay." He says. I smile and peck his lips.

"You're the best."

It was the next day. Results. We were all up on stage waiting to see whose going through to next week. The first to stay was five after midnight. Then the order went Ryan, Emily, and Honey. I looked at Matt worriedly. He gives me a small smile.

"Matt." Dermott says. I started getting worried realizing I was in the bottom three. I looked over at Matt who was sitting at one of the chairs. He looked worried. He shouldn't be. Because I am.

We all walk off stage and wait a little bit till we walk back on. All I was thinking about was the lifeline vote. I really want it.

Matt's POV:

I watched as she walked off stage. I was worried. No. I was terrified. I already told her she won't go home. But, I already know. She won't be in the song off and she won't go home. She'll definitely be saved by the lifeline vote. I just know it.

The show was back on and the walk back on stage. I wait for Dermott to say the votes. I'm so worried right now. I need her to stay.

"Casey." He calls out. A smile spreads across my face realizing she's staying. She walk to all of us giving us hugs. She then comes to me. I'm guessing best for last.

"I told you you'd make it" I tell her.

"But I almost left." She says. Her vice was shaky. She was about to cry. I don't like seeing her cry.

I pull her close to me. I rub her arm trying to calm her down."But you didn't." I say.

Very sorry for the short chapter. I'll probably make the next update longer. But I'm not sure. Please share my story.

Ok, BYE!!

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