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Casey's POV:

As it turns out, four of diamonds had to leave on Sunday. I was but upset that I had to say goodbye. I'm gonna miss them. It was not Thursday. And this week is disco. I'm not really prepared for it. I don't listen to disco much. So I'm quite nervous for this week.

After rehearsal, I was home alone. Matt and Ryan went out. Emily was at rehearsal. So we're five after midnight. Saara went out. And so did Honey. I was all alone. And I hated it. There's nothing to do here when I'm alone.

I walk downstairs. Maybe there's a movie to watch. And the only movie I found was Cinderella. When did we get this.

I turn the movie on and grab a bag of popcorn. It was so quiet here. Maybe I can pull a prank on someone once they get back.

I go upstairs really quick and grab the silly string. I walk back down and put it under the couch. Once someone opens that door, I'll pretend to be asleep and listen to what they say. If it's the five after midnight boys, they'll definitely try to prank me.

I hear the door start to open. So I pretend I'm asleep. "Yes, rehearsals is-

"Shh...Casey's sleeping." I hear Nathan interrupt Kieran.

"Whoops, sorry." Kieran whispers.

"Hey, we should pull a prank on her." Jordan whispers. I'm guessing the other two agreed because they walked upstairs. I peek my eyes open just in case.

I grab the can of silly and quietly walk up the stairs. I carefully try to keep my breathing low so they don't hear me as I try to listen to their conversation.

"What should we do?" Kieran asked.

"I don't know. Jordan's the man here. He has good ideas." Nathan says.

"No, it's Kieran."

"I thought it was Nathan."

I get tired of the conversation and start to spray them. They move around crazily. And I start to laugh once the can is out. "You boys will never, ever prank me." I laugh.

"One day Casey. One Day!" Nathan says. I drop the can in the bathroom trash can. And walk back to them.

"So, how was rehearsals?" I ask.

"Great. It was fantastic. We're going to rock disco." Jordan says. The boys stand up and start dancing around. I laugh a bit.

"Cool, who wants to help me with a prank?" I ask with a smirk. The boys stop dancing and smile at me. "Any ideas?" I ask.

"Water Bucket!" They shout at the same time. We grab a bucket and fill it with water. Once done, we go the Ryan and matts room and open the door slightly, gently putting the bucket on the door. We Then walk downstairs so I can finish my movie. This is gonna be great.

"Wait, we should capture this on camera." Nathan says. We nod our heads and run upstairs. One of the boys use there phones and hid it pointing it towards the door. It was hidden enough that you couldn't see it. We walked back downstairs and finish the movie.

"Hey everyone." Matt says as him and Ryan enter the house.

"Hey boys." I say. "How was rehearsals?"

"It was alright. I'm just nervous for next week." Ryan says.

"Don't be." I say.

The two boys walked upstairs. I look at the three boys sitting. Next to me. They were about to crack up. Once we heard a scream, we ran upstairs seeing the both of them wet. Ryan had the bucket on his he'd as Matts shirt was wet. Kieran grabs the phone as we all start laughing.

"Who's idea was this?" Ryan asks through the bucket.

"My idea to do a prank. There idea to the the water bucket." I laugh. "Make sure to send me that." I whisper to Kieran. He nods his head.

"One day Casey. One Day!" Ryan says. He takes the bucket off and throws it in the floor. "Your a smart one, aren't ya." I smile.

Ryan walks over to me. He then hugs me. "No Ryan!" I shout trying to pull away. The Matt decides to come into the hug. And the other three two.

"This doesn't count as a prank." I say.

"Damn." Ryan says. I laugh and they all pull away.

"I was thinking, we should all go to the club today. And I mean everyone." Jordan says.

"I don't know about that. I don't really go to places like that." I say.

"Don't worry, you don't need to drink. Just have some fun with us. Emily can keep you company if you want." Kieran says. They give me the puppy look. The adorableness. Ugh!

"Fine." I give in.

"YAAAY!!' The shout.

"Are you boys going?" I ask Ryan and Matt.

"Yeah, don't worry. I'll protect you from all the bits trying to hit on you. I'll punch them tight in the face of they look you up and down once." Matt says hugging me. I hug him back.

"Ok, get ready, because we'll be leaving once Emily and the others get back. Because it's gonna take them a while to get ready." Nathan says. I roll my eyes.

"Ok." I walk into my room and start getting ready. I grab a black dress the was an inch above my knees. I do nothing with my hair besides brush it. And I have light makeup.

But the time I was done. Everyone else came. They all got dressed and we walked over to the club. I'm not going to enjoy all of this.

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