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Chapter 3


Working two jobs and college at the same time is hard, let me tell you. I barely have time for my friends, and no time for boys.

I've lived in London my entire life, moved from the outskirts when I was twenty-one, two years ago.

Being a receptionist at an apartment building isn't my ideal job, but it pays pretty good.

My other job, an occasional paper grader in my anatomy class, people wouldn't really consider a "job". But it is at this college. There's more papers than one teacher can take care of, so he has to have multiple helpers.

He pays us some, but I wouldn't mind if he didn't at all. Mr. Patterson is my favorite teacher, the best one I have even though he gives out butt loads of homework.

Now, I'm roused from my boring thoughts by a sound. I look at the clock in front of me. 1:56; It's kind of late for anyone to be down here, and it puzzles me.

I stare at the stairwell, waiting for whatever it is to unveil itself.

But it never does. Instead, I'm caught staring at the stairs as the doors swing open beside me, and my best friend Sandy Mathews bounds in.

I tear my gaze away, raising an eyebrow at her. "What are you doing here? It's like two in the morning," I say, leaning over the counter.

She holds up a bag that says Dunkin' Donuts on the front. "I brought you coffee, a donut to share, and some company," she tells me, walking around the desk to plop down in a chair opposite me.

I grin. "And this is exactly why we're best friends," I say, grabbing the bag and coffee eagerly from her.

We split the donut as we chat about unimportant girl things.

"That guy Harry is weird," I state suddenly.

Sandy raises an eyebrow. "Yeah . . . But he's still hot," she confesses, grinning.

Harry Styles goes to our college as well, which is why Sandy knows him too. He's the kind of guy that sits in the back of the class and ignores everyone.

I roll my eyes. "True . . . But he hasn't said more than two words to me in the two years I've worked here!"

"He hasn't said more than two words to anybody," Sandy quips, sipping her coffee.

I shrug, dismissing the conversation for the time being. "You're gonna be up the rest of the night," I laugh at her.

She frowns jokingly. "Which means I get to keep you company for the rest of your shift. Then we can walk home together."

I smile. "I have about-" I glance at the clock again. "-an hour until shift's over." I make a gun with my fingers and pretend to shoot myself, earning a giggle from Sandy.

"Hey! I'm here," she pouts, crossing her arms.

I smirk. "Exactly the reason I'm bored."

Her mouth falls open, feigning shock.

We laugh, but then fall silent as the sound I heard earlier from the stairwell comes again, only louder.

Sandy raises her eyebrows, not one to shy away from danger. "What the hell was that?"

I shake my head. "I don't know. I heard it once before you came in."

"Let's go check it out!" she practically squeals, dragging me out of my chair and leaving it spinning.

She completely ignores the fact that whatever is making the noise could be dangerous, and just keeps running toward the stairwell like the crazy idiot she is.

When we get there however, we are met with . . .

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

I cross my arms and smirk at Sandy's disappointment. "Nothing. Probably someone getting it on in their room or something."

She rolls her eyes, walking with me back to my desk.

The rest if the hour is spent playing games to pass the time until my shift is over, then we don our coats and walk together back home.

"See you tomorrow!" I call to Sandy as she unlocks her door further down the hall.

She smiles and waves, and I unlock my own door.

Sighing, I toss my keys on the counter and collapse on the couch.

School at six when I've worked until three in the morning? Yeah, right.

I hate my job hours to no end, but they refuse to change them, saying I have to be there.

I stop thinking about work, and let my mind wander to Harry. He's a strange guy, and he seems to scare everyone else, but for some reason he doesn't scare me at all.

I'm not one to judge people just because other people have an opinion about them. Because usually, their judgement of them is totally wrong.

Some people can seem rude on the outside, but are really sweet on the inside. And some people can seem nice on the outside, but on the inside, they are as sick and cold hearted as the devil.

It's not my place to decide what they are.


Another sucky chapter -_- the next chapter will be in Bethany's POV as well, then Harry's next ;) sorry for the confusion guys

(save you tonight by one direction at the side ------>)

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