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Chapter 10


As I walk into anatomy on Monday, I realize I’ve forgotten to study for the quiz. Mike grins and waves at me from his seat on the other side of the room, and I smile weakly back.

I have been so distracted this past week that I’ve almost completely forgotten school.

Sliding into my seat, I look around me. Red is sat behind me again, smirking as always. Unfortunately, he looks like he’s back to his old self again. Nothing Harry did effected him at all-except for the bloody nose.

But as Harry enters the room, I realize that I was wrong. The humble look that crosses his face as he watches him walk in makes me smirk.

The tall, dark headed boy smiles at me from where he has taken his seat in the back; his usual spot.

“Okay, guys. I’m your substitute teacher, Ms. Lowry,” announces the slightly built woman from the front. “After we take this quiz, we will split up in groups of two for our dissection.”

She hands out the one page quizzes, and in a few minutes I’ve finished mine. I had to guess on the entire thing, and I’m a terrible guesser.

Ms. Lowry takes up our papers and begins to explain the dissection in detail.

“Hey. Ms. Lowry. We aren’t elementary students,” Red crows loudly from his seat behind me.

I turn and glare at him for such a rude interruption, but Ms. Lowry is quick to speak.

“Well, Mr. Hamilton. Since you seem to dislike my teaching so much, why don’t you pair up with Mike?” She quips sarcastically.

Damn, for an old substitute, she’s really with it.

Choruses of “oohs” travel around the room, and Red’s face falls. As he glances warily over at Mike, Mike waves shyly and blushes.

Mike has had a crush on Red for a long time . . . Sandy and I have been trying to get them together since Red started hitting on me.

Red sinks down in his seat as Mike starts to walk over to him.

“The rest of you, pair up,” Ms. Lowry says.

I look around the room for Sandy, but discover that she’s already paired up with Zach. She gives me an apologetic smile.

Looking behind me, I lock eyes with Harry, who hasn’t moved to look for a partner. I gather my stuff, and join his otherwise empty table.

“Hi,” I say with a smile.

He smiles back. “Hey.”

We get started on our dissection, and for the rest of the class, I’m amazed at Harry’s interest and knowledge in this subject.

“Hey, Harry?” I ask when class is over.


“Would you tutor me for this class? I don’t think I did that great on that quiz, and not just because I forgot to study—“

“Bethany,” he interrupts, smirking. “I’ll do it.”

I grin. “Really?”

He nods, and leaves without another word.

Later that night, I’m twirling in my chair at work, slowly counting down the hours until my shift is over.

I begin to doze off; I’ve never been much of a night owl like Sandy. She should be the one to have this job.

I ordered Chinese earlier, and by now I’m halfway through it. But my fatigue seems to be out weighing me hunger. My heavy eyelids begin to droop and I forget I have chopsticks in my hand.

The next thing I know, my rice is scattered on the floor, and my eyes are wide open.

“Shit,” I groan, dropping to my knees.

I begin to pick of the rice, grain by grain.

All of the sudden, I see a familiar cat bound by my desk, followed by a pair of bare feet.

I start to stand up, but recoil as my head hits the bottom of my desk. I groan loudly as I drop the grains of rice I’ve retrieved.

“Bethany?” I look up, meeting the green eyes of Harry. “What are you doing down there?”

I sigh, exasperated. “It’s a long story.” I resume picking up my rice, and Harry soon starts to help me. I smile thankfully over at him, and he swipes some unruly curls out of his eyes.

After a few minutes, four cat feet land on top of Harry’s back, and he freezes, eyes wide.

I clamp a hand over my mouth to cover my giggles, and Whiskers jumps off. “Quick! Get her!” Harry exclaims. We both start to stand, but bump our heads on the desk at the same time, mumbling “ouch” and “damnit”.

“Lose your cat?” I chuckle, clutching my head.

“Shut up,” Harry mumbles, standing and looking around wildly.

“She was just here!” he sighs, looking me in the eyes. “I’m not . . . Supposed to have a pet.”

I chuckle. “I know. I’ll help you find her.”

He smiles a thank you, and we take off in search of Whiskers.

“So Harry, how’d it happen?” I smirk at his misfortune.

He scowls. “I . . . Left the door open,” he mumbles angrily.

I look behind my desk, and discover a purring black kitty sitting innocently on my chair. I smile, picking her up. “Well here she is. Better be careful from now on; don’t want the landlord finding out.”

Harry takes her from my arms, and scratches behind her ears. “Naughty kitty,” he croons softly to her.

“Her kittens are due in a few weeks . . . I’m going to sell them since I can’t keep them. Want one?” he asks shyly, grinning lopsidedly.

I smile. “Sure; I could be a rebel like you.”

“No pets allowed at your place either?”

I shake my head forlornly. “No, but I have a goldfish named Marlin. Had to rebel in some way.”

Harry laughs loudly. “I’d like to meet Marlin sometime.”

I grin, nodding up at him.

“Well, I should get Whiskers back upstairs before she causes anymore trouble,” he says, scratching her forehead. “Thanks for helping me find her.”

I nod. “Anytime.”

He hands me a piece of paper with some numbers neatly written across it.

“Meant to give you that earlier. Call me anytime you need a tutor.”

I grin and tuck the paper in my sweater pocket. “Thanks, I will.”


M​​​​arlin tho.

Sorry it took so long for me to update...i might not be updating as frequently now. I'm having internet issues and some other things xx

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