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Chapter 11


Even though I don’t like to be around people a lot, I do spend an excessive amount of time studying them. And I know that sounds utterly creepy and weird, but what do you expect from a supposedly insane person?

Just seeing people be happy is enough for me.

Valentine’s Day is the perfect day to just sit in a park-even though it’s freezing outside-and watch couples give and receive romantic gifts. It’s all I need to stay happy.

Even though I won’t and can’t fall in love, I like to see others be in love.

Suddenly, my phone begins ringing in my pocket, disturbing the perfect silence surrounding me. I sigh, watching my hot breath as it spirals out into the frigid air; just like smoke.

“Hello?” I mumble into the phone. I’m really not in the mood to talk to anyone; I honestly just want to sit in silence for the rest of my life.

“Hey, Harry. It’s Bethany.”

I suddenly remember that I’d given her my number a few days ago.

“Hey, Bethany. What’s up? Need help studying for that test next week?” I ask, smirking to myself. My voice is oddly quiet and raspy; probably the cold.

She laughs sheepishly. “Yeah, actually . . . I was wondering if you’re free tonight to help me.”

“Yeah, I’m free.” When am I not?

She sets a time, and gives me directions to her flat, and then we hang up.

Looking around the park, I discover that all the young lovers had been smart and went home. I sigh, deciding to do the same even though I wanted to stay longer.

Stuffing my hands in my pockets, I begin to walk back to my car. A few snowflakes fall around me, and I inwardly groan. Not again.

Driving home, my hands start to tremble and my heartbeat picks up, telling me that I’m in dire need of a cigarette. I impatiently tap my fingers on the steering wheel as I realize I’ve left my cigarettes in my flat on the kitchen counter.

I’ve tried to quit a few times, but each time my hands started to shake and my moods started to swing, I gave in.

At last reaching my flat, I burst in, finding it unlocked. Odd. I think. I swear I locked I before I left.

I head straight to the kitchen, happily finding my pack of cigarettes.

“Hello, Harry.”

I gasp, freezing at the all too familiar voice. I whirl around, chest heaving, and meet the cool blue eyes of Des.

“How the hell did you get in here?!” My tone is cold and demanding as I stare him down.

He smirks at me from his place on my couch.

“I see you’ve made yourself at home,” I add in a growl. Anger is rising in my throat, and I have to try hard to control myself from lashing out at him.

“I have my ways, son.”

I roll my eyes and light my cigarette, knowing that he just called me that to infuriate me even more.

And it’s working.

“What information have you gotten?” Des asks, not beating around the bush. He’s always been that way; never one to sugar coat things.

“About Sandy?” I deadpan, knowing the answer full well. I don’t want to tell him the truth that I haven’t even properly met the girl, or that I’m certainly not going to kill an innocent person.

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