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Chapter 42


“Oh, come on Harry. It’s not that scary.”

“I-I didn’t say I was scared . . .  I was just worried that you would get scared.”

Bethany gives me a look, grabbing a bowl of freshly popped popcorn off of the counter. “This is my favorite show, Haz. Why would I be scared?”

I shrug. “Okay, let’s watch this then.”

Since Bethany and I have been working so hard lately, we decided to hang in her flat.

But of course, her idea of a romantic night is watching a scary show.

Not that I’m scared or anything.

“Okay, since you’re new to Supernatural, we’ll start at the beginning so you don’t get confused as to what’s going on,” Bethany says, sitting down beside me and clicking on the first episode on Netflix.

While the episode proceeds to play, I nervously chew my lip. “Why can’t we just watch something girly like The Little Mermaid or something?” I suggest. “I don’t want you getting scared—”

“Styles, seriously calm down. I practically grew up with this show,” she interrupts me, handing me the bowl of popcorn. “Have some popcorn.”

By the time the episode is halfway through, I’m a little freaked out, but I’m mostly worried about Beth.

Okay, that’s a lie. I’m terrified. I never did well with scary movies.

“I need something sweet, I’ll be right back,” Bethany says quietly, pecking my cheek before getting up.

I resist the urge to beg her to stay. I am a man. I can handle a little show.

Suddenly on the screen, something appears in front of Sam’s car. I don’t wait to see what happens, grabbing the nearest throw pillow and burying my face in it.


I slowly look up at Beth, who has returned from the kitchen. She holds a box of froot-loops in her hand, and her eyebrows are raised.

“I-uh, I was just—”

“You’re scared, aren’t you?” her face shows amusement.

“No, I—”

She bursts our laughing, doubling over and clutching her stomach as she giggles.

My jaw drops in horror. It’s not funny!

I reach forward, grabbing the box of dry cereal from her grasp. Reaching my hand in, I take a handful and chuck it at her. It rains down on her blue hair, and she briefly stops laughing to scold me.

“Harry!” She runs from me as I toss another handful at her. She ducks into her pantry, emerging seconds later with a box of coco puffs.

“You don’t have a very healthy selection of cereal, do you?” I laugh while throwing some more cereal at her.

She ignores my statement, reaching into the box of coco puffs and throwing some at me.

We continue to throw cereal at each other, until I run out of froot-loops and the floor is carpeted in them.

I begin tickling her, making her squeal.

“S-stop it, Ha-Harry!”

I comply, tossing her gently onto the couch. I hover over her still giggling body, grinning like a love-struck fool.

“I love you, Bethany Carol,” I whisper, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.

Her hands find their way into my own hair, twisting it around her fingers as she smiles softly up at me. “I love you too, Harry Styles.”

I don’t waste any more time before pressing my lips against hers, trying to show her how much I mean those three words.

When we pull away, Bethany giggles again.

“You’re gonna have to go get me some more cereal,” she tells me.

Like I’ve said before, my trips to the grocery store never go uneventful. It was a normal trip just minutes before. I had gotten in my car and started driving to the nearest supermarket. When I arrived, I began throwing necessary items into my cart.

Then, I got the text.

“Harry. Please come help me. I’m in trouble.”

It was from Bethany; and after I read it, anxiety grips my chest. What could be wrong? I left her safe and sound at her flat just an hour ago.

I text back, asking what the heck was wrong. I was terrified.

Just come get me.

She texted back almost immediately, minutes later telling me where she was.

I clutch my stomach and struggle to breathe, scared for what Bethany has gotten into. She needs to stay safe. She just has to.


soooo im sorry for not updating in almost two weeks....but i have news


and if this chapter seems like it was thrown together...thats because it was lol

if you guys dont know what Supernatural is, its an awesome panoramal show. go check it out its awesome

when does/did school start for you guys? mine starts monday -_- pray for me

no song for this one :/

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