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Chapter 44


The moment I wake up, I wish I hadn’t. My eyes meet Harry’s and we share a look that lasts a long time. I know by the regret and hurt in his eyes that I’m about to watch him die. I’m going to watch the one I love get killed.

Another scary thing is that I don’t even know what my fate is. I could die today as well. I could share the same death as Sandy.

I fight back a violent sob at that though. I have to stay strong for Harry in his last moments.

But, determination fills Harry’s eyes and he pulls out his gun. Bullets fly, bringing down Des’ men, and hitting Des in the arm. Harry disappears into the shadows, Des following him. I clench my jaw knowing I have to do something. I can’t just sit here tied up when Harry needs my help.

I twist my hands around, pulling at the ropes that bind me to the chair. They’re not as tight as I though, so within seconds my wrists slip from the coarse rope. I untie my legs and go over to the two men who are lying on the ground motionless. I give one last glance at the silent shadows where Harry and Des vanished, and crouch down beside one of the men. My eyes land on a gun hanging from his belt, and without thinking anymore I grab it.

I have no idea how to use a gun, but it can’t be that hard, can it?

I haven’t had too many people in my life. I’m so grateful for Harry and I am not about to lose him now.

I tip-toe as quietly as I can to where I saw Harry and Des go, keeping the gun pointed at the ground.

I can hear light footsteps, and I squint into the darkness. I can barely make out Des’ form, creeping towards something. My eyes widen, knowing that something is Harry.

I quickly make a decision, cocking the gun in my hand and shooting at the ceiling. Des’ footsteps come to a halt, and his head snaps in my direction.

“Drop your weapon!” I shout at him, pointing my own gun at his forehead.

He smirks, raising his arm to shoot at me, but another shot rings out. Des freezes, then drops to the floor writhing in pain.

Harry steps out of his hiding place, and I resist the urge to run to him and fling my arms around his neck.

Thank God he’s okay.

His relieved gaze meets mine, and he shoots me a weak smile as he goes over to where Des has fallen. Blood trickles from the man’s abdomen as Harry kneels beside him, clenching his jaw.

“Just . . . just so you know,” Des chokes out, the nasty smirk still remaining on his face. “I killed your mother and sister five years ago.” His hands grab Harry’s shirt, pulling him closer to his face. “I killed them personally.”

Shock over takes me. “Harry’s mother and sister are dead because his own father murdered them?!

“And if you weren’t so damn smart,” Des continues. “I would have killed you too.”

Harry’s face contorts in grief and pain at his father’s confession. He pulls Des’ hands from his shirt, staggering back and shaking his head in disbelief. Tears form in his eyes as he clenches his fists at his sides.

“It was you?!” he shouts, voice cracking with emotion.

Des’ smirk grows, and I feel my skin crawl even though it’s not directed at me.

“Yes, Harry. All along it was me,” he says. “And I regret nothing.”

Harry turns his back to him, running his hands through his hair as he tries to let the information sink in.

Des’ hand moves toward his gun, which landed beside him when he hit the ground.

“Harry! Watch out—”

One last shot rings out, and I close my eyes as I wait for the sound of Harry’s body hitting the ground to reach my ears. But it never happens.

I open my eyes, looking over at Des’ body. Blood pours from the wound in the side of his head.

I gasp, turning away before I become sick.

Des shot himself.

Silence hangs in the air after Des is gone, my breathing loud in my ears.

I run over to Harry, throwing my arms around his neck. We stand there, holding each other for a long time. I whisper calming things in his ear, playing with his hair the way I know he likes.


“Let’s not talk about it, Harry,” I whisper, pulling away slightly. “It’s over now.”

He nods slightly, leaning forward to place a lingering kiss on my lips. “Let’s get out of here.”


dang O.o that was a lot of information in one chapter

comment what you think ^.^

(playing god by paramore at the side just cuz)

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