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Chapter 18


Becoming friends with Sandy isn’t a hard thing to do. She’s already a really friendly person.

But I can tell she’s apprehensive in a way to become friends with me, probably because I seem dangerous; and that I am.

It makes me sick though, knowing that I’m becoming friends with her for a terrible reason.

And it makes me even sicker that I’m ignoring Bethany and stealing her best friend-literally. She doesn’t deserve that.

I might just go out and kill myself after this is all said and done.

Sandy is my new study partner, and sitting here in the library watching Bethany sit all by herself is killing me. She’s also really focused on her homework-or she seems to be. Maybe it’s because of me she never seemed to focus on studying.

Sandy invited Bethany to join us a couple times, but she always turned down her offer, looking warily at me.

I fucking hate myself.

I can’t take my eyes off her even though I’m supposed to be helping Sandy and ignoring Bethany. The way her blue hair falls over her shoulders, and how cute she looks in those glasses. Her freckled nose scrunches up when she’s concentrating on a particular problem—

“Harry,” Sandy’s voice breaks though my train of thought.

“Hmm?” I mumble vaguely.

“I can’t find the answer to this question,” she whispers, trying to keep quiet since it’s the library even though there’s only like three people here.

I sigh, reluctantly tearing my gaze away from Bethany. I force myself not to look at her during the rest of the study session, even though it’s quite hard not to.

“I’m throwing a party tonight,” Sandy tells me suddenly. “Wanna come?”

Inwardly, I groan. My guess is that Bethany will probably be there, and that will make it even harder for me to ignore her.

What’s wrong with you? I mentally slap myself. You used to be so good at ignoring people. What changed?

I sigh, running a hand through my hair. She’s different. I answer the voice.

But despite my reluctance to Sandy’s invitation, I ask her what time it’s at.

“It starts at eight,” she replies.

“I’ll think about it . . .,” I trail off, seeing my phone screen light up. I swipe my thumb across it, and find a text from a restricted number.


It reads.

Accept the invitation.

The hair on the back of my neck stands up, and I warily look around. These messages keep getting creepier and creepier.

“Uh, Sandy I have to go, but I’ll see you tonight,” I say in a rush, not bothering to lower my voice since there’s nobody else in here.

She nods, smiling a little. “See you tonight.”

As I make my way to the library, I catch sight of Bethany’s sad blue eyes.

The outfit I decided on wearing for tonight makes me look like a thug. Torn jeans that show a lot of skin, a navy blue low cut T-shirt, and dirty converse.

My hair isn’t much better. My unruly curls fall around my face and tickle my cheeks annoyingly. I carelessly swept it up from my forehead to keep it out of my eyes.

I don’t really care much about my appearance right now. All I want to do is get this over with.

I wasn’t planning on going at all until I got that text at the library. Obviously I’m not a very social person. I’d much rather stay home and sleep than go to a party.

I run a hand through my tangled curls, making sure Whiskers has food and water before I leave.

On my way to the party, I think about what Bethany will look like, even though I know I’m not supposed to. But what does thinking hurt?

Without her to talk to, I can feel myself slowly slipping back into those habits that I abandoned when I met her. Sleeping too much and caring too little.

I shake my head, letting all thoughts of Bethany slip away for the time being. Tonight, I am going to forget everything. Even though I don’t want to be at this party, I am going to try to make it as fun as possible.

Flashes of something old and nearly forgotten slip from the crevices of my brain, and I have to struggle to stay on the road. I never wanted to remember that. Why does it keep coming back to me?

Turning into the parking lot in front of Sandy and Bethany’s apartment building, I take a deep breath and realize that I’m shaking and gripping the steering wheel so tight my knuckles have turned white.

Pull yourself together, Styles. I say to myself, unbuckling my seatbelt.

The elevator ride to Sandy’s flat seems to go by faster than it ever has, unfortunately. And when I get there, I can already hear the loud music before I even near the door.

Upon knocking, I realize my stupidity and no one is going to hear me, so I go ahead and let myself in.

The music inside is almost deafening, but I recognize the song immediately.

I scan the crowd for a familiar face, my eyes finally landing on Bethany.


Despite my reluctance to notice what she’s wearing, she looks amazing tonight. Her hair is down in waves, cascading over her shoulders. She’s standing alone in a corner, holding a red solo cup.

I tear my eyes away from her as I see Sandy walking toward me.

“You made it,” she says, threading her arm through a tall guy next to her.

I shrug. “Sorry I’m late,” I apologize, accepting the solo cup she offers me.

“Harry this is my boyfriend Zach. Zach, this is my friend Harry,” Sandy says, motioning to the guy beside her.

Zach smiles warmly, holding out his hand for me to shake. I take it, ignoring the nagging feeling in the back of my mind that I shouldn’t be here.

“Nice to meet you, Harry,” he says.

I nod curtly, trying not to be rude but feeling suffocated. “You too.”

“Now, if you’ll excuse us, we’re going over to the dance floor.” Zach takes Sandy’s hand, and they disappear into the crowd.

I sigh, lifting the cup to my lips and downing the entire thing.

Tonight is going to be a long one.


Mkay there she is ;) tell me your thoughts (abby, I know your reading this. comment or ill choke you next time i see you :)

Anyways If You See Kay by The Script at the side ;)

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