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Chapter 28


I tell her everything, not forgetting one detail. I tell her about Des and his plan to kill Sandy; I tell her that I refused to kill her, then agreed; then told Red I couldn’t do it.

And then I told her about what Des wanted to do to me because I refused to obey him and carry out his sick mission.

When I finally finish, I watch Bethany carefully. Her face is twisted in concentration, but the emotion behind her thought is unreadable.

“So you killed Sandy,” she whispers finally, voice monotone as she came to her conclusion.

My heart sinks deep in my chest. No, she’s got it all mixed up.

I shake my head violently, desperately trying to get her to understand. “No. I didn’t.”

“How can I believe you?!” she shouts, standing to her full height abruptly. “You told me that one night when we watched that horror movie together that you didn’t disagree with the killer for murdering an innocent girl.”

I scrunch my eyebrows together. “That’s not what I meant—”

“—You said we just need to be careful who we fall for,” she cut me off.

My eyes fill with tears, but I roughly brush them away with my sleeve. Why is she saying this?

“So I’m going to start being careful, since my entire life I haven’t cared.” She gives me a pained look. “I thought you were different, Harry. But you turned out to be even worse than all the others.”

And with that, she storms out, tears falling from her beautiful blue eyes. I call her name multiple times, but she ignores me.

Could what she said have meant that she had had feelings for me before I told her the truth?

I run a hand through my hair, finally letting the tears pour down my face in despair. I’ve lost yet another person I love.

The days after that are all the same and just run together into one long day all in itself. I stay in my hospital room thinking about my mistakes, a nurse cleans my wound a couple times a day, and I wallow in self pity.

I haven’t seen nor spoken to Bethany since the day she angrily left the hospital.

She probably hates me; but then again, I can’t say I really blame her if she does. I lied to her. I did unthinkable things behind her back. How can I ever regain her trust?

For some strange reason, I feel empty without her. I have no purpose in life anymore.

A few days, or a few weeks later when I’m finally released from the hospital a few days later, I find a not left on my kitchen counter in my flat.


I took care of your cats while you were in the hospital. Just because we’re fighting doesn’t mean they have to suffer. –Bethany

I smile sadly, and even though I fight it, tears fill up my eyes. It was then that it really sunk in that Bethany’s gone.

I sob uncontrollably, sliding down the wall and crumpling the note in my fist. The sounds of my lonely strangled cries echo through the house hauntingly, reminding me of how alone I am once again.

A quiet meow and tickling fur on my cheek disturb me, and I realize with a sigh that I had fallen asleep on the cold tile. I don’t know how long I’d been there, but by the darkness of the room, I figured a while.

I sit up, a wave of dizziness washing over me. Being so emotionally hurt makes me sick.

I pull Mittens into my lap, stroking her fur. The kittens are nearly weaned, which means I’ll have to start finding homes for them. But selfishly, I don’t want to get rid of them. I’ll just be even lonelier.

I chew my lip, remembering that Bethany and I named them together and she picked Mittens out for her own.

They’re the reason Bethany and I came together again after I started ignoring her.

Whiskers patters over to her kittens, and rubs up against my leg. I pat her, and then stand up.

The house is quiet-much too quiet for my liking.

I wander over to the refrigerator as if my legs have a mind of their own, and grab a bottle of something in the front of the fridge. I didn’t take time to look at the label. I bring it to my lips, feeling the sting of the alcohol burn my throat on its way down.

I’m so angry at myself. All of it is my fault and I should have known that trusting someone with my heart would do nothing but break me all over again.

I shut my eyes as more tears fill up my eyes, and gulp down the rest of my drink.

I vaguely hear the phone ringing in the background, but I can’t bring myself to answer it. It fades to a dull buzz in the back of my mind as I lean on the wall and slide down it once again.

“Hey, Harry. This is your boss John . . . Uh, you haven’t shown up for work in a few days now, and I wondered if everything was alright? Give me a call when you get this message, goodbye.”

The muffled voice of my boss rings through the otherwise silent house from the home phone.

I groan, opening another beer and kicking the table leg.

I should probably call him back. I’ve missed a lot of work already, and he deserves an explanation-whether it’s a true one or not.

Tipping the bottle in my hand up to my mouth, I begin to drown all memories of anything bad, and just forget.

Even my silent promise to call my boss in the morning.

The next morning, I begrudgingly make my way to work at the ass crack of dawn. I picked up my car the day I left the hospital, and to my relief it’s working perfectly.

I park my car in front of John’s Auto Repair Shop, smiling a bit as I meet the sign with a few burnt out letters. Nothing’s changed in my absence.

I walk into the garage, stuffing my hands in my pockets and passing an employee under an old truck.

I go straight to John’s office, knocking lightly on the doorframe to announce my presence.

“Hello, Harry,” John says, turning around in his swivel chair.

I nod curtly. “Hey . . . I just wanted to stop by and apologize for not answering your call last night, and being so absent the last few days.” I lean on the wall and adjust my well-worn beanie resting over my curls.

John sucks air sharply through his teeth. “Yeah, about that Harry.” He motions for me to sit down in the chair across from him, and I comply nervously.

“Since you haven’t showed up for work in nearly a week, I’ve decided to give your position to another employee. Don’t take it personally, Harry. It’s just that things have been picking up around here, and I didn’t know if you would be coming back.”

I sigh, removing the beanie from my head. Static electricity sparks through my hair, and I run a hand through hit to calm the curls.

Looks like my already terrible week just got even worse.

“Here’s your last pay check from last week, Harry. It was good having you work for us while you did,” John says, smiling apologetically and holding out an envelope to me. I take it slowly, and then stand up.

“Thank you, John.”


This chapter sucks -_- omfg it's terrible...but comment anyway?

Im sorry for the filler :P the next one should be better, but it is short


(Nicotine by Panic! At the Disco at the side)

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