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Chapter 17


I know there was a reason I picked a flat on the top floor of this building. I love to just sit on my balcony and stare out at the skyscrapers in the distance as the sun goes down. It calms my racing thoughts, even though it’s bloody cold.

I light a cigarette, sucking on the end and inhaling the smoke it emits. The nicotine rushes through my veins, calming me immensely.

I sigh, blowing out the white smoke into the frigid air to be free. I long to go with it; to be set free from the demons that bind me.

Taking another drag, I continue to beat myself up over what I almost did today.

I nearly kissed Bethany.

I don’t know what got into me, and after Sandy’s gone Bethany isn’t going to want me around. She’s going to think I used her.

And if you think about it, I kind of did.

Sandy’s time, as well as mine is running out. I feel suffocated and alone.

I have made the decision to stay away from Bethany. She’s distracting me from the dirty mission I’m being forced to carry out.

It isn’t like I have feelings for Bethany. I sure as hell do not. I can never feel anything for anyone. It’s just that she’s one of the few who will speak to me, and I’m too dangerous for someone like her.

I shake my head, abandoning all thoughts of Bethany.

I keep going back and forth in my mind whether or not to go along with Des’ plan.

The mess he and his “friends” made in my flat was disgusting. It had taken me the rest of the day to clean it up, and I’m still not down.

I stand, seeing that the sun is down now and the wind is beginning to pick up.

I shuffle inside, lighting another cigarette and switching on the TV. I walk to the fridge to grab a beer, the news report blaring in the background.

Suddenly, I’m choking. An arm is slung around my neck in a head lock, cutting off my air supply. I grip the arm around my neck tightly, digging my fingernails into the bare skin. I gasp desperately for air, stumbling backwards. Black spots begin to cloud my vision, but I refuse to go down without a fight. I thrash and struggle in his grasp, kicking backward into the man’s groin.

Instantly I’m released, and the man falls to the floor with a pained groan.

I collapse as well, clutching my burning throat as I bring oxygen into my lungs.

I slowly turn to look at the man who had tried to kill me.

You?” I hiss, voice rough and crackly. I cough violently, gasping and sputtering.

Red looks up at me, eyes dark and angry.

You work for my father?!” My voice rises in decibels, even though it’s painful. I stand shakily, raising my fist to punch him again and again.

I stop after a while, stumbling back to the wall and breathing hard.

“Tell that dirty scumbag that I’ll do it. I’ll take his job,” I tell him, rubbing my aching neck.

Red picks his bloodied self off the floor, stumbling through the door.

Only a day later, I find myself in anatomy sitting in my usual spot. Thank God it’s only a lecture today so I can sit and think.

Bethany has been avoiding me today. I should be hurt, but I’m not. It only makes my job of avoiding her easier.

I’ve learned that no matter what people do to me, it won’t be half as bad as what happened that one day five years ago.

My jaw tightens at the thought. I’ve stopped myself from thinking about it as of late; but maybe that was because Bethany distracted me.

I watch the back of her blue head, still wondering if what I’m doing is what I should be. I know it’s wrong, obviously. Killing anyone is wrong.

I’m scared, I won’t lie. I’m terrified.

After class is over, I pack up my stuff and walk out. I try to stay away from people as I make my way to the bathroom, especially Red. But as I leave, I meet Bethany’s eyes briefly.

She looks beautiful today. Her tight skinny jeans make it hard for me to concentrate, and the loose sweater she chose looks perfect on her.

But I snap myself out of the stupid trance and open the bathroom door. I walk past a few closed stalls until I find an unoccupied one, and lock the door behind me. I sigh, shoving my hands through my hair. I slide down the wall separating the stalls and chew my lip.

I’m a nervous wreck. I’m scared someone will jump out at me at any moment.

Suddenly, a folded piece of paper slides under the door beside me, and I hesitate a bit before picking it up.

Upon opening it, my heart drops.



Here’s your first “job”. Make friends with Sandy and make her trust you. Do whatever it takes.


P.S. Stay away from Bethany.


Eyyyooooo, sorry i haven't updated in forevs but I've been so busy -_- here it is and sorry for any mistakes :)

Don't forget to comment! it makes me happy!​​​​

(I honestly have no idea what song will go with this so ya'll tell me what song would :)

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