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Chapter 24


It’s like that day in Cheshire all over again. The police come; they investigate; ask questions; and sport those faces that tell you that this is just another normal thing for them. Just another case.

But the one thing that’s different about this time is that I don’t run away. I stay by Bethany’s side as she weeps and answers the cops’ questions. I can’t help but feel torn apart even though I barely knew the girl. I guess seeing Bethany like this is taking a toll on me.

Apparently Zach had proposed to Sandy the night before she was killed. They suspected him, and I have to physically bite my tongue to keep from protesting in his defense.

Now, I look around Bethany’s room as I sit on her bed. I’ve never been in her room before, and it’s not exactly like I expected, but similar. Her walls are painted a light blue, with a few band posters taped to the wall. Her bed is unmade and several clothes scatter the floor. Her dresser is about the only neat thing in the whole room, but I don’t mind her messiness. I’m the same way.

“Harry?” Beth whispers as she packs some things to take with her to my house. She refuses to stay here right now, saying she can’t stay in the same building as her friend was murdered in.

“Yeah?” I push a hand through my hair, grimacing as my fingers pass through the tangles.

She zips up her overnight bag and plops down beside me. “Will the pain ever go away?”

I slip my arm around her shoulders. “Over time,” I whisper almost inaudibly.

But that’s a lie. That’s just what people say.

She sighs, leaning against me exhaustedly.

I pat her back lightly. “Let’s go.”

When we step into my flat twenty minutes later, we’re met with the sound of tiny little meows.

I switch on the light and smile as I see Whiskers and her kittens all cuddled up together.

“Want some tea, Bambi?” I ask, using her pet name to try to cheer her up, even though I know it’s useless.

She nods without smiling. “Sure.” She sits down on the couch, staring at the wall quietly.

I put the kettle on the stove, then go to sit by her.

“Come here,” I whisper.

She looks at me, eyes grey and watery. “What?”

“The best form of comfort I know of is a hug. So come here.” I hold out my arms.

She immediately collapses into them, sighing. She doesn’t cry; she’s cried all her tears already.

I know that feeling better than anything.

I lay down on my back on the couch, pulling her gently on top of me. She doesn’t object, and rests her head on my chest.

“Thank you for being here for me, Harry,” Bethany mumbles sleepily.

I wrap my arms around her tighter, kissing her forehead.

Oh, but if only she knew everything.

A few days later, we’ve tried everything to get her mind off Sandy for a while. We’ve played scrabble, watched movies, played with the kittens, and now we’re baking cookies.

But I can still hear her crying at night.

I’m trying to make her happy. I don’t want her going down the road I’ve been down.

“Bambi?” I roll out some cookie dough with a rolling pin.

“Hmm?” she mumbles absentmindedly.

“What’s your favorite thing to do?”

She looks up at me, then back down at her untouched lump of cookie dough. “Back in the summer two years ago,” her voice is light as a feather. “I had this fetish with partying. I haven’t gone in a while, but it was fun.”

I smile a little. “You wanna go sometime?” I’m glad she’s actually talking; usually she’s just deep in thought. I hate to see her like this. It reminds me of me.

She nods. “I’d like that.”

I smile at her, and then momentarily turn my attention to the dough in my hands.

“I used to work in a bakery, you know,” I state quietly.

Beth raises her eyebrows. “Really?”

I shrug. “And that’s why I’m so damn good at baking cookies,” I joke with a humorous smirk.

She smirks back a bit and shoves me. “Have you always lived in London?” She asks suddenly, finally picking up her lump of cookie dough.

I shake my head, picking up a cookie cutter from the counter. “I’m originally from Cheshire.”

I ignore the pain within me as I speak of my home town. I hate talking about my life before the incident.

“I moved from Dartford a couple years ago,” she tells me, and I nod approvingly.

“Nice place; I’ve been there a few times.”

I was actually enjoying getting to know Bethany better. She’s an amazing person for forgiving what I did and still wanting to be around me.

But what about when she finds out I would have been the one to kill Sandy? A voice in the back of my mind whispers annoyingly. You’re a jackass.

I chew my lip, and then sigh through my nose.

“I think it’s time we visit Sandy,” I propose. “I think you need to tell her how you’ve been feeling.”


Yeah I know I'm updating twice this week . . . but oh welllllll lol

Why do i love harry so much someone explain.

Don't forget to comment! ​​

(I'm yours by The Script at the side)

ok last chapter wattpad fucked up on -_- sorry about that guys, please go back and vote for those three chapters because idk what happened -_- THEY WERE THREE SEPERATE FUCKING STORIES AND IM NOT EVEN KIDDING. I had to upload them all again so please go back and vote ily

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