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Chapter 19


The party is a little too much for my liking. I wouldn’t even be here if it weren’t for Sandy insisting that I come.

I’ve been watching Harry since he first stepped in the door. He’s had five glasses of alcohol and counting. If I didn’t know better, I’d say he was trying to forget something.

He sits alone in a corner, much like me. Only observing.

I’ve been avoiding Sandy; I guess because Harry has chosen her as his next “thrill” as I have now taken to calling it. His next victim.

I know I’m probably being dramatic and irrational, but I’m hurt that he stopped talking to me completely and is now “best buddies” with my best friend.

Well news flash, Styles. She’s got a boyfriend, a soon-to-be fiancé.

As I watch him now, I know he can’t drive himself home. I know him well enough already that he has no friends that would offer to, either.

Even though he’s ignoring me, I still care about him.

Against my better judgment, I leave my corner and weave my way through the crowd to him. I stop, standing directly in front of him.

I remember myself in a very similar situation two weeks ago when he was about to drive somewhere drunk as fuck.

I play with my fingers awkwardly, and then hesitantly sit down on the couch next to him. I don’t say anything; just watch the people dancing in front of us.

“Let me take you back home, Harry,” I say.

He doesn’t reply, but looks at me in the eyes for the first time tonight. His sunken green eyes are vacant, and it tugs at my heart.

I don’t know what possessed me to do it, but I hold out my hand to him.

Harry sighs heavily, taking it. He slowly follows me back through the people back to the door, stumbling over his own feet.

I don’t bother saying goodbye to Sandy. She’s still dancing with Zach, and I live in the flat next to her, so it doesn’t really matter.

As we slip out the door, I catch sight of Red’s dark eyes, staring at us as we exit the room. A dark purple stains his right eye, and his lip is split. Before I can take a good look though, Harry tugs on my hand like a child.

“Can we get Nando’s?” he asks, eyes big.

I smile, and then shake my head, patting his shoulder.

We’re both quiet as we make our way down to the parking lot; me consumed in my thoughts as to why I’m doing this for him, and Harry looking forlorn and consumed in his thoughts as well.

I lead Harry to my car; still holding his hand tightly, and thinking that I’ll come get his car in the morning.

The drive home is equally silent, and Harry decides to doodle on my foggy window again.

He’s a mess, but I can’t fix him. I just know I can’t.

He was right when he said we need to be careful who we fall for; everyone has secrets.

His secrets are what is preventing me from helping him. He won’t let me in, hell, he won’t let anyone in. Who has the patience to crack him?

“Well we’re here, Mr. Styles,” I say, pulling up in front of his apartment building.

He nods, opening the door. He opens his mouth to say something, but shakes his head confusedly.

“See you later, Bethany.”

The next morning, I’ve decided that I’m going to back cookies-since it’s the most relaxing thing I can think of to do.

I didn’t get enough sleep last night for two reasons—the music next door was still on for hours into the night, and I lay in bed crying because of what has been going on with Harry and Sandy. It’s tearing me apart just like what happened so many times before.

I’ve been betrayed and lied to yet again.

There’s a knock at the door as I put the cookies in the oven, and I lick the remaining batter off my thumb before opening the door to reveal Red.

I can’t help but frown and cross my arms.

“Red. What are you doing here?”

He stuffs his hands in his pockets, and I catch sight of his black eye; it looks even worse than it did when I saw it from a distance the night before. “I just wanted to talk,” he tells me innocently.

I roll my eyes at his mock harmlessness. “What do you want from me?” I ask, knowing he’s up to no good.

He sniffs the air. “Are you baking cookies?”

I block the door, not looking away from his dark eyes.

What do you want?” I ask again.

He sighs, holding his hands up in surrender. “I wanted to tell you something.”

I raise my eyebrows. “And what would that be?”

“Just let me in, Bethany.”

I narrow my eyes at him, but open the door wider. He walks in, and we go into the kitchen.

Red takes a deep breath. “Harry isn’t the guy you think he is. I would be careful. He’s dangerous.”

Red’s words send chills up my spine; despite what I know what he’s saying is untrue.

It is, isn’t it?

“And how would you know?” I ask, leaning against the counter.

Red starts to walk back towards the door. “I know him better than you do, trust me, love.” The glint in his eye makes me nervous as he says those words. He turns, opening the door.

I stick my head out the door, watching him make his way towards the elevator.

“Oh, and I’m sure you know he sucks at scrabble,” I call down to him, fists clenching at my sides.

Red narrows his eyes. “Be careful, Beth. You might regret it later on if you aren’t.”

The elevator doors shut after him, and I’m left speechless.


Welp there it is :P

(Say Something by A Great Big World at the side ;)

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