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Chapter 6


Remember the saying “it’s the thought that counts”? “Mind your manners”?

Well, when Harry leaves, I don’t get a thought or a “thank you” at all.

And I know I barely know him, but that was just plain rude. He’s either like that to everybody, or he’s just targeted me. Maybe I’ll never know.

The rest of my unproductive day is spent at Sandy’s place where we lay around and watch Supernatural and The Big Bang Theory.

We even order pizza, something we never do, but with the long week we’ve just had we decide that we deserve it.

“So you and Harry seem to be getting pretty tight lately,” Sandy says during a commercial break, raising her eyebrows up and down.

I roll my eyes. “Oh whatever.”

“You brought him home last night.”

“He was drunk,” I give her a look a wry look.

“Ooh and he was drunk. I bet I can guess what happened.”

“Sandy-,” I warn, not wanting her to continue.

“You guys had drunk sex and . . .”


“And you made him . . .”


“Then you—“

SANDY!” I interrupt loudly, glaring her down.

She smiles innocently, laughing hard at my blush.

“I clear my throat. “For your information, we didn’t do any of those things,” I say through gritted teeth, making a face at her and blushing harder.

“I took him to my house because he was about to drive somewhere when he was wasted. I didn’t trust him to stay by himself in his state, so I took him to stay at my house for the night. Nothing more.”

Sandy opens her mouth to speak.

“AND he slept on the couch,” I say quickly before she can make anymore snide remarks about him sleeping with me.

She sighs. “Okay, so it was innocent. But you have to admit he’s hot.”

I roll my eyes, un-muting the TV.

“Oh come on,” she presses.

“Maybe a little. Now watch the show.”

“A lot.”

“No. A little.”

We make faces at each other, and then turn back to the show for a bit.

“What do you say we invite Mike over? It’s a Saturday night, he probably won’t be doing anything,” I suggest.

Mike is our friend from school. He’s got to be the funniest guy I know. He makes class fun, even though its geometry, and even makes the teachers laugh.

“Oh, and Zach too.” Sandy’s face lights up as she mentions her boyfriend of three years.

I smile for her enjoyment. “Okay.”

We play games, we watch movies, we drink, and we catch up. It’s been a while just us four.

Zach and Sandy are all cuddled up on the couch as we watch our third film. They couldn’t be cuter. I can’t help but hope that I find someone that will compliment me as well as they compliment each other.

I grin evilly and look over at Mike, who is sprawled out on the couch beside me. I open my arms to him. “Come cuddle with me Mikey!” I joke. He squirms away, a horrified expression on his face.

We crack up.

Mike is gay, more afraid of the word vagina than being shot in the head.

After the movie ends, Zach motions for me to step into the hall with him.

As we creep away from the other two, who are engaged in a deep conversation about Mike’s new boyfriend, Zach lowers his voice.

“I’m going to propose to Sandy,” he states in a whisper.

I have to clamp my hand over my mouth to keep from squealing. “Oh my god, does she know?”

Zach shakes his head. “No. I’ve gotten the ring, and I’m thinking about asking her sometime soon when I get the chance.”

I smile. “You two make the perfect couple.”

He grins like a love-struck fool. “I love her.”

We talk some more, then Mike says he has to go study for the quiz Monday (which reminds me of my own need to study), and Zach has to work the next day, so they leave us girls alone.

My heart swells at the news Zach told me. I’m so happy for them, and I know that Sandy will be thrilled.

“Hey Sandy?” I ask before I leave for my own flat. “Do you think we’ll ever get married and have kids?”

‘Well of course . . . Someday,” she answers with a smile.

I just hope that I’ll get the same chance she’s getting.


Sorry its so short and boring :P It picks up soon!

(little white lies by one direction at the side)

Idiosyncrasy (Harry Styles AU)Where stories live. Discover now