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Chapter 45


The days following Des’ suicide are all a blur to me.

The court date; the funeral; the realization that all my family is gone.

It’s been hard, let me admit. But I have Bethany, so I don’t feel so alone anymore.

To be quite honest, I don’t really care about Des’ death; in fact, I’m kind of happy that he’s gone. The world is a much better place without him here to make me miserable.

But the painful truth of my mother and Gemma’s murderer is tearing me up inside; the fact that my own father killed his wife and daughter. He must have been mentally ill. That’s the only explanation I can think of. He was a sick man.

I sigh and shake my head. My real smile is somewhat coming back. I mean, I don’t really have much to complain about. I have a place to live; I have a girlfriend who loves me; my homicidal father bit it.

I mean there’s a lot to be thankful for.

“Two down, two to go.”

I snap out of my thoughts and stand from my chair, going over to Bethany.

Beth and I are at the college giving away Whiskers’ kittens. As much as we wish we could keep them all, we know we can’t.

“Hey, Mike,” Bethany says as he walks up.

He waves in response, glancing at the remaining kittens.

Bethany smirks, scooping up Hiccup and handing him to Mike. “I think you’ll like him,” she says, smiling.

Mike grins, stroking the kitten’s soft fur. “Thank you, guys,” he says, looking at Bethany, then me.

He wanders off, cuddling his new pet. Red walks by some time later, nervously avoiding eye contact.

“Hey, Red,” I say. He looks up abruptly, eyes wide. “Take a kitten.” I pick up the last kitten, Blue, and hand it to him. Bethany stifles a laugh next to me, and I elbow her in the ribs.

Red smiles awkwardly, and I turn to Beth as he walks away.

“Well,” I say to her. “There goes our cat family.”

Bethany smiles slightly as we turn to watch Red disappear down the hall with his new kitten.


sorry this one is short and just trying to finish it lol

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