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Chapter 40


“So let me get this straight,” Mike says once Harry finishes the detailed story. “your father, who you thought was in jail this whole time, is a gang leader and wants to murder you because you refused to kill Sandy?”

Harry shrugs. “Yeah, basically.”

Mike sits back in his chair, eyes widening as he exhales loudly.

I don’t blame him for being overwhelmed. The story is quite far-fetched and a lot to take in.

“How is he even getting away with this?” He looks back and forth from Harry to me.

Harry sighs heavily, pushing a hand through his hair. I know how difficult it is for him to tell someone else this, especially when he’s scared of a repeat of the time he told me.

I reach for his hand, squeezing it reassuringly under the table. He flashes me a weak smile.

“Des’ gang has gotten considerably more powerful over the years. The police can’t control him. It’s going to be hard to escape him-if we can at all,” Harry mutters forlornly.

Mike chews on his fingernail, deep in thought. “Damn.”

It’s quiet for a while, the three of us not really knowing what to do or say.

When one of us finally does speak, it’s Mike who does.

“Harry, the only solution is to defend yourself. It’s your only chance.”

Harry’s entire body goes rigid at that statement. His jaw clenches and his grip on my hand tightens a little. He averts his gaze from Mike.

“You’re right,” he mumbles, then glances at me. “But I’m trusting you to take care of Bethany. Whatever happens to me, keep her safe.”

Mike nods and I gulp. I can’t lose Harry. I won’t lose Harry.

“Harry—,” I cut myself off, realizing I can’t do anything about his decision. I know that if he does go and face Des he’ll have a slim chance of surviving.

Maybe if I take his place . . . It would save him. He deserves to have someone do such an act for him. He deserves someone who cares.

And I’m willing to lay down my life for him.

That night, as I lay in bed beside Harry, I think carefully over my plan. Unlike all of the other times I’ve helped Harry, this time I’m doing it out of sheer love for him. And the more I think it, the more I know this is the right thing to do.

I turn around in his arms, brushing away a stray curl from his face. I’ve always admired how he looks in his sleep. He looks-as weird and cliché as it sounds-like an angel. His pink lips are parted slightly as he breathes in and evenly. I slowly trace my fingers over them, and then catch myself, leaning my head back on his chest.

“Bethany? You awake?” Harry’s sleepy voice mumbles in my ear, his chest vibrating against my cheek.


He moves from his back to his side, facing me.

“I love you, Harry,” the words slip from my mouth so easily, and I mean them more than ever.

I cam see his lips curve into a smile. “How much do you love me?” he asks, entwining our fingers under the duvet.

I chew my lip, choosing my words carefully. They might be some of my last.

“I love you so much that I’m willing to give all of myself to you, give my life for you, and spend the rest of my life with you.”

Harry’s eyes glisten, and he leans forward to kiss me softly. “I’m speechless,” he whispers humbly.

At that, my heart swells. To think that I’ve rendered someone speechless by something I said.

He leans his forehead against mine lovingly, hot breath fanning over my cheeks.

“Don’t ever leave me,” he begs, green eyes pleading.

I swallow thickly, thinking of my plan again.

“I won’t,” I lie.


yayyyy im backkk

florida was hot. thats all i have to say.

hopefully this chapter isnt sucky (ha, yes it is) but please comment and continue to read :D

(hallelujah by jeff buckley at the side cuz that song is per-fect)

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