Stepbrother 1

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Weddings. We start off as strangers then we meet. Then we're a couple. And if we believe we're right for each other we end up as husband and wife. That simple right? Or so we think.

Today is my mom's wedding, a wedding very much anticipated and I'm getting dressed into my bride's maid dress. Today is also the day I meet my stepbrother. My mom and Steve didn't want us to meet until the wedding, which is weird, but I could care less honestly, I don't need some little brat living in the house and annoyingly calling me sister. I never really much cared to have a brother; I think boys are just disgusting beings to live with if you ask me. When I finally get done changing, I go start my makeup routine. 

A few minutes later while I put on mascara my sister Abby comes rushing into the room panting with a worried look on her face, "Janis's mom wants you she is freaking out!!!" I leave the room quickly and go to her room. I hope she's not getting cold feet right before the wedding. I honestly wouldn't even be surprised if she left, she's just that type of person.

I see my mom on the floor drunk and still drinking and she hasn't even put on her wedding dress A bit trashy if you ask me. Well, if I'm being honest, I expected her do this not really much of a surprise, she always does something like this before a big event. I look at the poor being she looks to be and know there's no point talking to her so instead I decide to help her out and start dressing her myself with a bit help from Abby considering she's heavy from all the alcohol she was drinking. After we done getting her dressed we gave her 2 aspirins and some water, in hopes that it will help before she walks down. She drinks it and I let her sit there and while we all wait for it to take effect, I start doing her makeup while being able to finish mine at the same time. After an hour and her being a bit less drunk than before she looks decent enough to walk out and before we head out, she looks towards me and tells me "Thank you, after the wedding I promise I'll be better. Steve will be by my side and help us through it all"

I know Steve is a good man for her, but she shouldn't always use him as a solution towards everything and I know she'll change, well I hope so, but I wish she was a better mother while I was growing up. She was such a mess and always drunk. I don't blame her though; I blame my dad for leaving her to struggle with me and Abby and leaving her depressed and heartbroken. And it was tough for her being a single mother with 2 young girls. She would work herself so much, but her drinking was what always threw her back down. Truth be told, she got lucky she met a man like Steve, a ,man who is actually interested in the woman she is someone who see her inside. After a while, we were all called to get into position for the wedding.

As I get into my place as my mother's bridesmaid, I see this really fit attractive man whose eyes were so compelling to me and he was in the place as the best man, even though technically he only glanced at me once, I know...... how embarrassing. And well let me TELL YOU he was so damn FINE. The music begins to start and I see my mom walking, stumbling a bit, down the aisle she then looks up Steve and smiles when she sees her husband, soon to also be my stepdad.

I was at the party greeting everyone and pretending like I remembered meeting them, which almost half of them I absolutely just do not, and after a miserable while getting annoyed I then got thirsty so I headed to the table to get something to drink.

Then I see the attractive fit man from the the aisle getting himself a drink as well, which just so happens to be such a great coincidence if you ask me. He turns and looks then turns again the stares at me for a bit before saying, "Hello gorgeous... What's your name???", and he says it with such a charming smile that if my knees were weak right now I'd drop on my knees for him.

I stare at him for bit just enjoying see his flawlessly shaped jaw and eventually I give in and do a cute little giggle for him and ask,"I'm Janis... And you are?", while trying to look seductively at him.

It seemed to do something cause his smile grew and he got closer to my face while licking his lips and say, "I'm....", just as he was about to introduce himself Steve came up to us without us noticing him, since you know we were caught up in our own thing or whatever, and cut him off.

Once he reached us, Steve looks at both of us with a huge grin and bright eyes and says, "I see you two have met already, how exciting, isn't that right Jake?", and looks at Jake with a much brighter smile, while I stand in front of them with a confused look on my face.

"Well I was going to introduce myself but then I was rudely interrupted by you.", the attractively fit man who apparently happens to be named Jake says to him.

"Oh well I'm sorry, it's too exciting to me, well Janis this is my son and your step brother Jake."

WTF WTF WTF I think to myself, For a second there was a look of astonishment on my face and then it left as soon as I said, "Oh, it's nice to meet you, I'm Janis".

"She's my step sister!" Jake says with a very shocked look covering his whole face on his face.

"Yes" Steve says.

Well this is just great. Note the sarcasm.


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