Stepbrother And Stepsister 27

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Janis P.O.V.

Two weeks later

I walk in the gang house and their was the whole gang there.

"Finally your here, I called u 2 weeks ago!!!" Issac says.

"What's going on" I asked.

"Well we are about to go against another gang" Derrick said.

"We're going against the dark bloody gang to be exact" Lily says.

"Jason wants to get us back for taking u so shit about to go down." Luke says.

"Yea and we all gotta be prepared." Issac says.

"But how??" A random gang member says.

"Wel---" issac says but then was cut off.

"Sir, sorry to inturupt but we got a video call from the other gang" a gang member says.

James, Luke, Lily, Issac,Derrick,and me run upstairs as fast as we can till we see Jason's face.

"Oh there you are" he says pointing at me." Well I just wanted to inform you how everything will go down..." he says with a smirk.

"What, like a deal or something" Luke says.

"No, close but no."  Jason says.

"Then what???" I says already getting annoyed.

"A trade" Jason says his smirk getting wider.

"What's the trade" I asked.

"You for your parents" he says then turns the camera to my parents.

There screaming in pain and they have bruises all over there face my mom's eyes are in pain and she's crying and then my stepdads face is scared, anger, and he is crying as much as my mom.

Then what catches my eye is my sister Abby. Abby was on the floor with bruises and blood and a knife near her. Is she dead???

"Well as you can see I got them and Abby here is dead because you left my house without my permission so I killed her." Jason's says.

I feel tears coming out of my eyes and I just felt so lonely. Abby was always there when I needed her and that's why she's my sister. That's why I care about her so much.

"Deal" I said, "but we're making the trade at my house.

Then I ended the video chat.

"Are out of your fucking mind?!?!" Issac says.

"No I'm not" I said.

"She gots a plan " lilys says nodding her head with a slight smirk on her face.

"What's your plan?" Issac says.

I smirk,"Since it's going down at my house then we are gonna set it up all there.

"I'll set the bomb up outside" Jake said.

We all ready had a plan. When we make the trade itz gonna be inside so the boys are gonna let the bloody dark gang members come in and and take me while they leave my parents. Some of our gang members are gonna take my parents away from here through a tunnel Jake used to sneak out. Then they'll be a car waiting there to pick them up and take them away.

While we take the bloody dark gang members out here. Then Jason will come out to see what's going on obviously then we'll see if we can take him out. The bombs for back up.

"Janis,you sure about this?" Jake said.

I nod my head and he goes out the back door. Then all of a sudden I have this urge to vomit. I run to the bathroom and throw up almost everything I've ate.

This is the second time it happens to me." What's wrong with me???" I say.

"Your pregnant" Lily says behind me making me jump...

"No I'm not" I say.

She walks towards me and goes through the cabinet under the sink. She pulls out a box of pregnancy test. "Then if your not take the test" she says.

I take the box from her hand."Fine" I say.

I go in the bathroom and put the first one and it comes out negative. The second one comes out positive and I start to freak out. The third one comes out positive and I freaked out completely.

I couldn't believe the fact that I'm pregnant. I walk out and there stands Lily. She looks at my face and her face turns into a smirk.

"Told ya" she says.

"I don't know what to do... I don't even know whose baby it is..."

"Whose the last person you had sex with in the last 3 weeks."

"Jake" I say and freak out even more. "You have to keep it a secret I'll tell him after this all goes down."

She nods."Hide the test." Is all she says and leaves. I couldn't believe I was pregnant with Jake's baby.

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