Stepbrother And Stepsister 19

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Janis P.O.V.

Story recap:
Me: Heyyy Bae
John: Hi
Me: I know itz been a long time I haven't talked to u but I really miss u and I really want u!!!:-D
John: Itz Okay babe and I miss you too... And how about tonight at my place we watch some movies and don't worry my parents are gone for the month...
Me: Sounds good babe... I'll see you tonight... But I need the time and direction.
John: 7p.m. At steward and Ann.
Me: Okay I know where it is.. I'll see you there... Love you 😙

So with that I left the gang house and went to my house and got ready.

I was outside waiting for John and I was wearing a blue,green,black,and purple dress with high heels and my hair down into nice curls. I had some mascara on.

When I see John's car pull up I was ready

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When I see John's car pull up I was ready. His car was a white Lamborghini.

It was nice he came out and he was wearing a black suit

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It was nice he came out and he was wearing a black suit.

He kinda switched up our plans he texted me saying we were going to eat inside

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He kinda switched up our plans he texted me saying we were going to eat inside. And I told him Okay and now we're going to eat at "La Salsa".

He opened the car door. And we went towards the place. As we drove we talked about what's been happening the few days.

He kept saying he missed me and I reminded him that I missed him too. When we got to the there he opened the door for me. And I walked out then a worker drove the car off.

As we entered we were immediately at a table and I sat down in front of him. They handed us menus and I started looking through it until I noticed John was looking at me.

"What????" I asked.

"Nothing" was all he said and started looking through his menu.

As the waiter came back he took our drink order and our food order. Then it was back to him staring at me.

"What?!?" I said.

"Why didn't u talk to me at all?" He asked. 

"I...I....I was busy" I stuttered.

"Oh okay with what" he asked.

"With stuff" I replied.

"What stuff" he asked.

"Just stuff that u don't need to know about" I said getting really pissed off.

"Yes, I do cause your in this stuff and you are also mine so I deserve to know." He said.

"Its my personal business" i said.

"Just fucking tell me already, okay." He said. I could she anger coming to him.

"U know what fuck u okay" I said piss, "U can go suck a dick but I'm leaving."

With that I turned on my heels speed walking towards the exit of the door and I could hear John calling my name. Then I remembered he was the one who brought me here so I decided to call James to help me out.


"Hey can you pick me up"

"Uhhhhhh, yea sure where are u?"

"Do u know of a restaurant called La Salsa"

"Yea me and Luke how there with lily and issac."

"Can u pls pick m-"

"Janis wtf get back here"

"Leave me alone."

"I'm on my way" I heard James said before the call ended.

Then I felt John grab my hand hard. "Lets me go" I said.

"No your coming with me" John said.

"No, I'm not and btw we are done." I said. Then he got me closer and he pulled my hair.

Then I heard a cars come roaring and I saw James come out of one with others coming out of the other the cars.

"Come on your coming with me" James said. And I nod.

"Who the fuck are you?" John said.

"None of your fucking business" James replied then looked at me and I saw anger in his face," Beat him up" he said pissed.

I got in the car while he did too.

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