Stepbrother And Stepsister 23

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Jake's P.O.V.

I worried... It's been 3 months since anyone's seen Janis. We've put up signs she's been missing. But no one has seen her. I went threw her phone and nothing says where she is. Her gang is also looking for her. My mom and dad are worried.

We heard news from her that she was last seen in New York but I wonder what she's doing there. I told her gang and they went and talked to other gang members living in New York and said they've haven't seen her.

I asked Jason if he seen her and he said no but something about him leaving the gang house early bothers me. Then I just thought of him looking for Janis. But why is he being so mysterious.

Then one day I decided to pay him a visit. And I did but he wasn't there and instead I found Janis.


Janis P.O.V.

I've been away 3 months and about to be 4. If I don't escape soon my parents will have the whole world shut down.

My plan is to earn Jason's trust and then escape a week maybe 2 later. But it taking forever. I mean the first month was bad he made one of his sluts come to the bathroom with me.

I've been so bored lately and all he gives me are crayons and a coloring book. And I make paper airplanes and throw them around.

He let me go on one of his trips. And it was to New York. I knew was over and that it's already summer vacation. And it sucks. I'm stuck with the person I most hate.

One morning Jason left and I was bored. Then I heard the door open and see him... But I wonder he's doing here.

"Jake?!" I said.

"Holy Shit!!!!" He yelled, "your fucking alive and I wanted u dead."

"WTF are you doing here??" I said

"Helping you escape this torture I mean unless you wanna stay." He says backing away.

"No,no I'll go with you." I said getting up and heading towards the door.

"Wait" he said and I was the confused," I want my kiss" he said. He lean forward and I kissed him. It felt good to kiss him again.
"Come on let's go" he said.

I just nod and we head out the place as we go down the stairs I see all the security gaurds down and James, Luke, Derrick, and Lily are there talking.

"Okay I got her" Jake said.  And they all look up at me and Jake.

"Janis" they all say at the same time. They all came up and hugged me except for Derrick. He just stayed there and smirked. I just roll my eyes.

"Well gotta get out of here before Jason comes." I said and then remembered Jake's in Jason's gang," Wait aren't you in Jason's gang" Jake nods.

"I left it cause it's putting you in danger and me in stupid positions" he said. I just stay in silence.


We left the place and go home my parents ask where I was. I told her I went on a trip to get away for some time. We'll lots of time.

Then I found out I graduated high school. And I need to start searching for a college. It's alot to do. All I think to myself is this is what happens when you miss months of your life. Life gets harder by the minute.

The gang took off my missing signs and I got my graduation certificate. Then I went online and started applying to colleges.
Jake was doing the same. Our parents want to put us in Harvard. But instead I applied for Yale. And let's hope they accept it cause I gotta get away from this life.

If I get accepted then I'll give up my gang life. I'll still be friends and all but I won't be apart of it anymore. I want a normal life now and I should be able to make that decision.

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