Stepsister and Stepbrother 15

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Janis P.O.V.

Big shout out to @DonnaPoe for voting on my story.

I flipped him off and saw that a girl was in the middle of us with a bra in her hands. She pointed at me as if saying if I'm ready. I roared my engine.

"Go!" She said and I sped I was side by side with the dark red car and then he went faster then he was ahead and he turned and I turned too we went straight then we both turned he turned normally.

I drifted for the U turn and then we were side by side and I took a turn on the same street we turned then I sped at 225 mph. And I crossed the finish line.

Then drifted and had a crowd cheering. They were asking questions like:

Who are you?

Have I seen you before?

The announcer said," You guys might not know her she was the Street Queen but she left 3 years ago and now she's back again give it up for Lil J!!!"

Some cheered and some stayed there confused. And at that moment I knew that I was going to take my crown back. I was once again going to be the Crown Queen again and I was not going to let anyone get in my way.

Then the dark red car came speeding and roaring to the finish line. They inturupted me for my thoughts. Bitch.They got out and I was shocked very shocked. When I saw there face. On there face they were shock too. Well trust me when I say that we were both pretty shock to see each other. I couldn't believe who it was.

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