Stepbrother 3

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"Hey, Janis wait up."
I look back when I hear this deep sexy voice call out to, all too familiar voice, and I see Jake quickly coming toward me and I roll my eyes at him just for the fun of it and turn around walking toward the exit.

"I said to wait up"

"Why should I???....And your not the boss of me." I say.

"Yeah, but I'm your step brother and older than you therefore I think it's fair you listen me" He tells me.

I roll my eyes as his little statement annoys me and start walking away faster until someone puts there hands around my waist and turns me around. I see that it was Jake and think about how wrong it is that it turns me on.

I then feel him press his bottom half against the bottom half of my waist and I closes my eyes and swallow hard. It's much temptation for me that I want to give in to him so bad.

I know he sees my face and how much I want him when he laughs and gets away from me anys, "I'll see you at home Janis", and walks away from me.

"Hey, Ally..." I say as I walk into the kitchen and am surprised she's home right now considering she's the studious stay in your dorm type of college girl.

"Hey" she says as she looks up at me with a pop tart in hand.

"Are you doing something tonight" I asked considering it's too boring of a day and I have to do something today before I die of boredom.

She nods, " I'm going to the theaters with Clay.", she smiles softly at me when she notices my look of disappointment.

"Oh, well ditch me again why dont you. I'm going upstairs to take a shower." I say jokingly towards her even though I mean it as well. And she laughs at me dragging myself upstairs.

"Deeper" I say.

As Lio kisses my neck and chews on it softly as well. I was completely naked and having sex with Lio. a friend I guess you can say.

As he put his dick in my entrance and pushes it in and out. I let out several of moans before we were very rudely interrupted by a loud bang on the wall next door coming from you know whose room. " Keep it down!!!" Jake screams through the wall.

I then sign in disappointment as he interrupted my excitement and push Lío off and he lays on the bed besides me signing as well then looking around awkwardly as well I'm guessing he's hinting at the fact that he's ready to leave.
As I walk Lio out and kiss him goodbye, I hear Jake come doww as soon as close the door and think how awkward this is gonna be.

" Is he finally gone..", he says as he walks down and I nod towards him knowing he had something to say.

" Next time keep it down..." he yells as he sits on the couch and reaches for the remote.

"I wasn't complaining yesterday was I!!!", I talk back at him.

He smirks as I have a confused look on my face." So you admit you did listen" he says winking towards me.

I walk and sit next to him on the couch," Shut up! What are you putting on?" I asked .

" A movie" he replies.

"What movie?" I ask.

And he turns looks at me and comes close to me and says, " Our movie, if you let me make one with you", He says smirking and looking into my eyes.

And in that moment I lost all the air inside of me, and I give him these pleading eyes that beg him for something and he comes closer and put his other arm over me and leans on top of me while getting so close to my face I hear him breathing on me.

I then suddenly became bold and kissed him first and not much to my surprise he kissed me back and for a bit there we went back and forth. Until he then suddenly picks me up and starts carrying me up the stairs. I all my head was thinking about was how good he'd feel inside me right that second. I then hear him open a door and drop me onto a bed and just as I thought he was gonna go on top of me again he them smiles at me and laughs.

He then says," Sweet dreams, gorgeous", and blows a kiss towards me and walks out and at that moment I realized I was in my own bed and in my own room. And I sit there anger, disappointment and most of all horny.


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