Stepbrother and Stepsister 6

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As we enter the house I can feel most eyes on us. I wouldn't blame them, we are looking good. Ok I know big ego but honestly I wouldn't consider us bad looking at all.

" Lets get a drink!!" Emma suggest with a big smile on her face.
"Lets go" I say as I walk over to the bar where there's a cute bartender.

"What can I get you ladies" he asked ignoring the others.

"6 shots of tequila and add one if you join" I said with a wink and a smirk.

"Coming right up" he says with a smirk.

He comes back with 7 shots of tequila and we each grabbed 1 and drank.

"Well I gotta to go, can't really drink on the job" he says with a wink.

"Hold on" I say as I get a paper towel and a pen and write my number down.

"Make sure to call " I said.

"It's my task for today " he said with a wink before he walked off.

"Gurllll lets go danceeee" Emma says.

We then finish our drinks and go dance and start sexy dancing.
In the morning I woke up and found my head pounding.

I got drunk real bad last night. I got up and checked my phone, I had 1 New message from an unknown number.

I click on it and it's says 
Hey how r u feeling? U left pretty drunk last night.

I replied with
Who is this???

They replied a minute later
John your bartender friend remember...

I was relieved to know it was him and not some weirdo I gave my number out to. I replied.

Oh heyyyy I'm fine thanks for asking just have a bit of a I'm okay...

After I sent it I went straight to the bathroom to take a bath.

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