Stepbrother And Stepsister 12

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Janis P.O.V

I got into my car and drove to the starting line that's when I saw who I was racing.

I was racing Jason. And now I was really pissed. "Ready Princess because I know I am." He winks.

"Ughhhh whatever" I rolled my eyes.

As usual a girl comes in between the cars and asks if were ready and that was the signal the race is about to begin.

"Are you ready?" She ask pointing at me and I pressed the gas petal to make my car roar. "Are you ready?" she points at Jason with a wink. He nods and presses his gas petal."Go!!!" She yells and I start speeding off while the car goes wild.

As we were heading to a stop light and it was red, I went a little faster and drifted and without getting hit.  I made a quick turn and ended up driving backwards as I seen enough space to turn I pressed the gas petal and brake at the same time while turn the steering wheel, making the car go straight.

I kept going straight until I saw the bridge pick up and I knew I had to keep going so I picked up my speed. And I went flying up and quickly going down. A crowd comes cheering for me. And I saw Lily and Issac there standing out of the crowd. Issac was smiling and nodding his head and Lily was just smiling. Oh I forgot to tell you Issac is Lily's dad. As I stepped out the car a guy gives Issac money which is the one I won from the race. Then out of no where we heard cops coming I go back to my car and relief when I see Issac and Lily already leaving. Then I sped off and as I sped off I saw Jason jumping off the bridge. And I smirk and with that I went speeding to the gang house where everyone was there and cheering for me. I was proud of myself cause I knew I still could street race it's been a while since I have but I guess it's in my blood.

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