Stepbrother and Stepsister 16

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This is James and Kevin Quinn is playing his role

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This is James and Kevin Quinn is playing his role.

This is James and Kevin Quinn is playing his role

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This is Luke and Karan Brar is playing his role.

I'd like to give a shout out to @NickeyaWarren

Janis P.O.V.

Then the dark red car came speeding and roaring to the finish line. They inturupted me for my thoughts. Bitch.They got out and I was shocked very shocked. When I saw there face. On there face they were shock too. Well trust me when I say that we were both pretty shock to see each other. I couldn't believe who it was.

It was Jake. I couldn't believe my eyes and before I knew it I took out my gun and pointed to him. "What the fuck are you doing here?" I said.

"No the question is for you what the fuck are you doing here???" He asked.

"I asked the the question first and your going to answer first." I replied. I thought of a lie I could tell him if he answered with the truth.

"Okay its nun of your damn business." A t the moment James and Luke got behind me with guns in there hands.

"Good then I guess they could you." I said. Turning on my heels.

What he said stopped me from walking away and got me pissed off. "Okay bitch, they could kill me but I know you have no guts or balls to do it yourself cuz your a pussy that makes little brats like them do your work." I hated when called me a pussy because I know I'm not. And I also hate when they call my friends a pussy. FYI James and Luke are my friends because when you get in a gang you all just have to get along.

I got my gun and shot him in his leg at the top of his thigh. He drop to the floor and grunted. I knew he was in pain but I didn't give a shit. "One they a aren't brats they are my friends and maybe they will even be close enough that they'll be like my brothers. And I'm not a pussy or I wouldn't have fucking shot you, idiot!!!!"I said in a yelling kinda of voice.

With that I turn and gave James and Luke a look that says lets-go. They followed me, "Mind if we go with you Issac brought us and they left along with the crowd." I looked around and notice that all of the crowd was gone. Damn.

"Yea, get in." I said and we all got in and I was speeding to the gang house.

"Thxs for what you said back there and for backing us up." James replied, "Just know that we got your back" I was surprised at what he said.

"Thanks and don't worry I'll always have your back too." I said and smiled. Then we were finally at the gangs house.

"Thanks for the ride J" Luke said and smiles then head inside the gang doors with James on his side. Then as I was going to go in my car, Lily came out.

"Well you past the test." She said with a smile then Issac came out with a smirk.

"Okay wipe those smirks off your face or I'll do for you" I said, " What test?" I asked curious.

"The test that proves that you can help others and get away from the cops" issac said, " Soooo, your officially a member of this club." He said.

" Well good to know but I gotta go home. So bye." I said.

"Bye" James and Luke said in unison in the front door of the house. And I just waved and got in my car and sped to my house. I did my night routine and went to bed.

In my head I wondered about my future especially since Jake knows my secret.

Hope ya all like it and u wanted to say thanks for reading my book and so far I got 600 veiws and I hope you still read it and now I want to give a shout out to:





@Nickeya Warren

Thank you all for reading my book.


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