Stepbrother and Stepsister 7

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Your so funny" I giggled.

"I know I am...I'm hansomly funny"

I laughed. John and I have been going out for 2 weeks now and its kind of fun. Jake has been ignoring me for a while now. Which sucks cause I really want to have sex with him again. I mean me and John did it 6 times in the past 2 weeks but he isn't like Jake.

I have a feeling Jake's been avoiding me. Well actually he is avoiding me but I don't know why.

I look into John's brown eyes and he looks back into mine.

"Your so beautiful" he tells me as he looks into my eyes.

Then he leans closer and kisses my lips. Then he kisses me again and we keep going until we were out of breath.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" he says... I was breathless at the moment I looked at him for awhile.

"Yes" I replied he smiled and kissed me one more time.

"Shall we go my love " he said in a sexy tone.

"Yes we shall" I replied and then we headed back to my house. That's when I saw something that changed my mood completely.

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