Stepbrother and Stepsister 14

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Janis P.O.V.

As I entered the school I went straight to my locker to get my notebook for math out. As I went into the classroom. I took a seat in the back of the class. 25 minutes into class Jake walks in the door. "Well Jake why don't you take a seat and pull out your notes." The teacher said.

Jake sat down," I don't feel like taking notes" he replied, "So you can go ahead with your stupid lesson."

Mr. Mann got angry and his face was red but not that red. Mr.mann can usually gets mad pretty fast. And his face can get the brightest shadw of red.
"Well I don't care what you want to do and if you think its so boring then why don't you ask your stepsister why she's here." He said and everyone looked at Jake then at me. I really hate when attention is brought to me.

"Well Janis what are you doing here?" Jake asked me.

I thought for my answer for a moment then I smirked." I'm here waiting to see how long it takes for Mr. Mann to get bald." I replied.

The class started laughing and there was "oooooo" going around the class room.

"Well if you think your so funny Janis why don't you go to the principles office" he said.

"Well I don't think I just know I am unlike you." I replied, " The only funny thing about you is you going bald." I said seeing face redder than a tomato.

"OFFICE NOW" he pointed to the door and I smirked.

"My pleasure" I said standing up and heading out the door.I wasn't going to the principles office. Instead I walked threw the school doors. And walked over to my car. I got in and sped away to the gang house. I wanted to know who I'm racing.

As I got there I went to Isaacs office and knocked twice.
Issac came out smiling. "Who am I racing?" I said curious.

"I don't know yet but I do know its a fresh piece if meat." He said and I smiled.


I was at my house looking in my closet on what to wear.  I finally decided on an outfit. It was a black shirt with black pants and black heels. And my hair up in a ponytail.

I went out the house and sped off in my car. I went to an arena where girls where wearing clothing that I'm sure I couldn't pull off. I parked my car and texted Issac and Lily. It took then a few minutes to reply.

Issac: Go to the announcers booth Ill meet you there.

Me: kk

I headed to the booth and saw Lily with Issac and 2 others. "This is James and Luke. There in the gang." I nodded. "I already paid for you so go make me happy." Issac said.

I went to my car and then the announcer called me up. There was 4 cars. The one right beside me was a dark red and had tinted windows. And the other one was a green car with black stripes the window was open with a guy winking at me.

I flipped him off and saw that a girl was in the middle of us with a bra in her hands. She pointed at me as if saying if I'm ready. I roared my engine.

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