Stepbrother And Stepsister 26

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Dedicated to @bronniebear

Derrick P.O.V.

Janis. What is so special about her... She seems like a slut which I can bet she is.

Why do they protect her so much...They really don't need to... I need to find out what is so special about her.

Everyone would literally take a bullet for her and are so cool with her. Like are they blind to see she's a slut.

I mean she made out with Jake and her boyfriends James. So like I'm fucking confused.

I mean she has this brown hair that looks slutty when curled and these eyes that yes there very attractive but still they show emotions like confusion.

Her smile is very attractive and makes her look sexy. She has white straight teeth. And she just so strong and knows how to protect herself.

Maybe that was not so mean. But i have this feeling. Like no other it makes me mad and sad when I see her with James. And when she made out with Jake the day we rescued her it made my heart stop. It made my heart break into billions and billions of pieces.

I wish I can be hers and hers only and no one elses. I wish I could make her laugh. I wish I could kiss her and she'd have this special feeling no one ever felt before.

I wish she could say she loves me. I wish we could have a future together. I wish I could be her one only and she could be my property. Only mine. And I'll do what ever it takes to get her.

Janis P.O.V.

I've been bored lately and Derick has been acting weird. He has been coming over and we hang out for a little but still it's kinda weird.

I mean to admit it it's actually fun to hang out with him. But i ask myself why now. Out of all the chances he had why did he have to do it now.

Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy n---
I was inturupted by my thoughts when my phone rings. I picked it up seeing it was Issac.


"Janis get to the gang house we have a problem" was all he said and then hanged up.

I got up and changed into shorts and a white top and a leather jacket with white converse.

Then I got my keys and I was walking out my door when Jake stopped me. "Where u going" he asked pushing me back into the room.

"Ummm to the....Ummm gang house." I said.

"No your not" he said smirking.

"Lets me guess" I said casually, " You wanna have sex."

"Yes, pretty much" he said.

Then he pined me against the the wall and started kissing my neck while grabbing my ass. And I was just there moaning.

He picked me up and threw me on my bed while taking off his pants and I took off my shorts and underwear. He took off his boxers too.

He then starts to rub my clit with his thumb. Then he starts licking my pussy. Then he takes off my shirt and bra. He then gets my boobs and starts to suck on them and I start to moan louder and louder.

Then when he stops he turns me around and puts his dick in me. He goes in and out and he starts to go faster. Then he stops and turns me around again and he does it harder this time and faster.

Then cum starts to come out and goes inside me and he took it out and I licked it all off of his dick.

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