Stepbrother And Stepsister 18

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Janis P.O.V.

I woke up in the morning and went to the bathroom. Then I went down stairs and saw Jake eating breakfast. "Where is my mom?" I asked.

"She and my dad left to Florida for 2 weeks I thought u knew." He replied.

I just thought great 2 weeks with this idiot, "Oh..." was all I said and went upstairs.

I was bored and decided to go to the gang house. So I got dressed. I was wearing my hair up in a ponytail. I was wearing a black shirt with black pants with the left side ripped and the right side up and I was wearing black shoes.

Then I went down stairs into my car and sped to the gang house. When I got there I entered and I saw Lily talking to Luke. Then I felt someone's arms wrapped around my waist.

I elbowed them and turn to see it was James. "I'm so sorry" I said in panic, "But you shouldn't sneak up on people cause this is what happens." I said relaxed.

I picked him up the floor. But i just have admit I have a bit of a crush on him. He's just so cute. Okay I have a crush on him s what..." I was just trying to say hello" he replied.

Hello I thought. "That's how you say hello" I said, "Well then that's going to be the way I say hello" I say smirking.

"No thanks I'm fine" he said quickly. I smirked.

Then I saw li-," Janisssssssssss!!!!" She yelled.

"I think you might of killed the birds or woke up the dead!" I said, "Or both" I said smirking.

"Shut up!" She said. "Guess what" she said yelling so loud I think I almost became deaf.

"You actually woke up the dead and there's zombies after you" I said. And heard Luke and James laugh.

"Nooooooo" she said getting mad. And I could tell cause she giving me her fit face.

"You said guess what" I said.

"No" she said, "I got a boyfriend and you'll never guess who it is."

"Ohhhhh I do know!!!" I said, "Itz Casper"

"Shut up" she said,"Its Luke he just asked me out!!" She said.

"Oh, really I'm still thinking it's casper." I said.

"Your just jealous cause you don't have one." She said.

"Who said I didn't" I said smirking.

"Ohhhhh who" she said.

"We're gonna leave" James said.

"So who is it" Lily said. I took out my phone and showed her a picture of John. "Hes hot!!" She said. I just nod my head.

Then I got my phone and texted John.

Me: Heyyy Bae
John: Hi
Me: I know itz been a long time I haven't talked to u but I really miss u and I really want u!!!:-D
John: Itz Okay babe and I miss you too... And how about tonight at my place we watch some movies and don't worry my parents are gone for the month...
Me: Sounds good babe... I'll see you tonight... But I need the time and direction.
John: 7p.m. At steward and Ann.
Me: Okay I know where it is.. I'll see you there... Love you 😙

So with that I left the gang house and went to my house and got ready.

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