Stepbrother And Stepsister 13

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Janis P.O.V

As I walk down stairs I see Jake and my Mom. "Morning mom!"I say in a chirpy voice."Morning Jake" I said in a I don't give a shit voice.

"Morning honey are you eating breakfast..."She asked.

"Nope" I said popping the p. "I want to be at school extra extra early" I lied. I was going to the gang house to check up on all of them. So I have to go early to be in time for school. Plus I'm street racing tonight and I need to know what time.

As I'm walking out the door someone grabs my wrist and I turn around to see it was Jake. I look up into his brown eyes. "Is it true?" He asked.

"What true?" I asked confused.

"That your dating John" he replied .

"Yeah, w-" My phone started ringing and before I can replied, he left before I can say anything else. I answer the phone not looking at the caller ID.

" I need your help" she said. I knew it was Emma because I knew her voice.

"What's up?" I asked.

"My car broke down and by that I mean my tire popped and I need a ride can you pick me up?" She asked.

"Sure but I gotta get dressed and eat first" I replied.

"Kk I'll see ya later!" She replied and ended the phone call.

I started to head to my car. And when I got in there someone knocked on the window. I turned and seen Abby there. I roll it down," Hey I just wanted to let you know that I'll be on a business trip for 2 weeks."

"Okay I'll miss you" I said and frowned, she laughed.

"Okay bye I'll call you when I get there." She said.

"Kk bye sis and you better call because if you not I will het mom on you." I said trying to be threatening but she just laughed and went to her car.

I started my car and let it warm up a little before I sped off to the gang house. It's only 10 mins away and 5 mins to Emma's house. I got out and walked to see some punching punching bags and others practicing dance moves.

"Wassup Jan." Lily said coming over to me.

"Sup" I replied and went straight to Issacs office. And I knocked a couple of times.

"Who is it " he yelled and I could tell he was pissed.

"It's me Janis but I'm guessing it's a bad timing so I'll go" I replied and turn on my heels but get stopped.

"No, it's fine I need to talk to you anyways." He said.

"Okay what's up" I said entering the room.

"Lots but it dosen't matter right now" he said," but your racing at 8:30 today. And your racing 4 other cars one of them is fresh meat from the Black Riders. And you got to win because they don't know your back and you got to make a hell of an entrance." He said.

You might be asking who is the Black Riders. The Black Riders is our enemy they are the strongest and biggest gang in the city. "Okay I will win and you'll see but I need to get to school." He nods and I walk out and leave the gang house I got in my car and sped to Emma's house.

"Finally" she said.

"Your lucky I'm even giving you a ride" I said in a mean tone.

"Your right I'm sorry I'm just having a rough morning." She said and I believed her by the annoyed look on her face.

"Okay how about before school we go to Starbucks and get some coffee for the morning." She nodded excitedly and I sped off to Starbucks then to school.



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