Stepbrother And Stepsister 28

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Janis P.O.V.

The trade is happening in a few minutes. But I'm just in a rush to get this over with. I can't just wa--

"Janis there here" James yells.

"Everyone take there positions" Issac says, "And umm I be upstairs" he says in a rush.

Just then the door bell rings. I go and open it and 4 gang members have my parents and had a knife through they're throat.

I walk over to them and they let go my parent. When we get outside James and Luke slit 2 of the gang members throat. While I stabbed the other two.

We take the bodies inside. In a few minutes Jason comes in and see his bodyguards on the floor.

Then my phone vibrates. And I'm guessing it's the text that my parents are safe.

"I just knew this was gonna happen" he says.

And that's when feel a cloth on my nose. Then it went all black... I thought about how I will be...Back in that stupid shithole.

How long will I stay there??? Will I ever see my parents again??? Will I ever see the gang again???

Maybe if I was less of a slut, I wouldn't have this problem. What about the baby???

I know I want to keep it but what will happen now that I will be stuck in a shithole with a bastard???

Then a memory appears in my head: Itz was one of my dad... It was my birthday and I remember him telling me to blow the candle and I did and we sat there and ate cake all together just then I walk outside and see Issac there and my dad and him were yelling at each other... It was a big surprise if you ask me because they never fought. And I went up to him and Issac to ask if everything's Okay. They nod there head and my dad tells me he's going for a ride with Issac... He said he will be back, so I went to my room and waited for him and waited it was not until 2 something in the morning when the phone rings.

My mom went to pick it up, ",no,no,no...why him...Who was with him...Is he still alive...whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy..." Is all she said and hangs up and she was in tears...

"Mom what's wrong..."

"Your father and Issac are dead" she says. And then my heart stops. I fall on my knees and cry... For 2 months I stayed in my room cry and I got out of the gang.

It wasn't till 2 or 3 years later that I found out issac was alive... And I was happy and both sad that my father was the one who had to die.

Then I wake up to see Lily,Issac and Jake all tied to chairs like me. As I look around I noticed that were still at my parents house.

"Ahhhh she's finally awake." I hear Jason say.

Then I feel my hands get untied and the others are untied too. "So this is how it's going to go down" Jason says...

"I'm going to give these 3 a chance to get away and your going to stay with me" Jason says.

I think about for a moment and nod my head,"Deal" is all I say.

"Janis no!!!" Lily and Jake say.

"Its not your fucking choice" I say.

Then Jason opens the door."Go" i yelled and they nod with sad faces.

Then as they walk out the door Jason smirks. "Now it's just you and me" he says.

"Not anymore " Is all I say and press the button to activate the bomb.

Then I run for the door and I see Jake there. He smiles and then it explodes.

All I see is black...

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