Stepbrother And Stepsister 17

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Janis P.O.V.

That morning I woke up from the sounds of my stepdad screaming. I looked at the clock and saw it was only 3:37 p.m.

I got up and went by the stairs where I seen my stepdad and mom screaming at Jake.

"How the hell did u get shot in the leg?!?!?" ,My stepdad yelled.

"Quiet Janis might wake up and she'll be in a bad mood." My mom said. I already was.

"I was robbed by someone they were dressed in black and they shot my leg and stole my wallet." Jake replied to our stepdad.

"Hmmmm are you sure cause they could of beat you up instead." My stepdad said.

"Well I guess shooting me was the way cause I stayed down and not fight back." Jake said. So he's protecting me I wondered and asked myself why tho?

"You know what just go to your room and don't wake up Janis." He said in a nice quiet voice.

As he started heading towards the stairs. I got up and was about to tip toe to my room but then a brilliant idea hit me. Instead went to his room and sat on his white chair near his desk which was pretty comfortable and waited in the dark.

I liked his room it was clean and the different kinds of browns around his room. Then an image hit me it was me on Jake's bed having sex. It was weird cause I'm not that kind of boy crazy girl. Then the door opened and Jake walked in.

He shut it and took off his shirt and threw it on the floor and I saw his nice six pack. But then I just blurted out," Why did you protect me?" He looked at me then smirked.

"Well look at the ease dropping criminal in my room asking questions." He said. As he stepped closer.

"Your a criminal too." I replied and he smirked.

"I didn't tell on you because I'm street racing too and if my dad finds out that I was even near a street race he'll kill me" he replied.

How could I be so stupid and think he's protecting me when he's actually protecting himself. "Oh, well thanks." and I stand up.

But he takes a step closer and pushes me towards the wall. He comes closer and kisses me after a while I kiss back. Then we stop for air then go back.

Sooner or later were in the bed only kissing until we heard out stepdad. "Jake is there a girl in there" I got off of him and went to the window. And I went to my window hoping that it was unlocked. But with my luck it wasnt. I went back to Jake's window but his dad was checking the room.

But then I remembered I left my bathroom window open and went to that window and went through there. I was safe thank god and I went straight to my bed. And with that I went straight to sleep.


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