Stepbrother And Stepsister 21

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Janis P.O.V

"Hey, cutie I'm Derick and u must be one of the strippers." He said and I got pissed off.

"What did you say bitch" I said.

"Babe just give me a dance I've had a rough day" he said.

I got my pocket knife from my back pocket,"What did u say" I said.

"I said give me a lap dance u skank." He said and grabbed my ass. I got my pocket knife and stabbed him in the stomach,"WTF!!!" He said.

Then James,Luke,Lily, and Issac came running out the house." What the fuck happened here?!?!?!" Issac asked.

"I stabbed him in the stomach and now he's on the floor" I said in an i-dont-care voice.

"Well, what did he do to you exactly" issac asked.

"He called me a stripper." I said.

"Ohhhhh, that's why so I'm pretty sure you know this is Derrick. And he's new and going to your school" issac said.

At that moment that's the least I can care about. I have other things to worry about."okay" I said and head to my car and sped off.


As I walked in my house I someone turned me lo around and kissed me and I kissed back and we were going intensely. Then we pulled back for air and I had butterflies in my stomach.

Then I saw it was jake and he pushes me towards the wall,"Look I know what I did was stupid of me but I had to" he said.

"What ever" is all I said and went upstairs to my room and got a message.

James: open your window
Me: why???
James: Just do it

And I went to open the window and James was already coming up and went through my window.

He came closer to me and kissed me and we got on the bed he took of his shirt and looked at me as if saying are you sure and I nod. I took my shirt off and then soon we were completely naked. And he slid his condom on.

He was on top of me going up and down. It was so good. He went slow at first then he went faster and faster and his dick was hard and it just felt so good then he got off of me and spit on my pussy and then rubbed it with one finger then he insert two finger and then three fingers and he was going in and out and I was moaning and moaning.

Then he stopped and licked my pussy. Then after while he stopped and we layer on the bed for awhile then I got up and took off the condom and licked the top of his dick then he was groaning.

Then he was holding my hair and I was going up and down on his dick. Then I got off cause he other a call and then he pulled his pants on. "Babe, I have to go" he said.

"Where???" I said getting off the bed.

"The gang house you wanna go so I can wait for you" he asked.

"Ummm sure let me get change" I said.

"Okay" he said and came close and kissed me.

I just put on some normal sweats and a dark grey t-shirt. Then walk out and go downstairs and went out the door. James was waiting in his car so I went in and he started to speed to the gang house.

We got off and entered the gang house to see everyone watching a movie together. I sat on the couch next to Issac and James right beside me. While we watch 21 jump street. When the movie ended I ended up staying in the gang house in my old room.

I just layer there thinking about all the crazy things that happened in one day and then the door opened and closed quickly. And the shadow came closer and then they layer on the bed and gave me a peck on the cheek. Then I turned and saw it was Jason. "Hi babe I missed u"


Hey hope you all liked it... I told you they'll be alot of drama in this chapter. Hope you all like it...:)

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