Stepbrother And Stepsister 22

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Janis P.O.V.

How the hell did he get in is all I thought about. He put his hand on my mouth then gave me a shot on my arm and the next thing I know I'm asleep. Everything's black and I stay like this for awhile.


When I woke up I was in a room chained to the bed. I look around and see Jason." Finally my love your awake" he said.

"WTF do u want?" I said.

"Bad day babe" he said," I can make it better"

He came closer to me and I moved back until I hit the wall and he was in front of me. He kissed me and I was kissing back and to be honest they were great. Then we pulled back for air.

"You liked it huh" he said. And I stood in silence. I was disappointed at myself.

"No I didn't now let me go!!!" I said.

"No!!" He said," Not until you marry me or you at least be in my gang." I shook my head.

"Not gonna happen" I said.

"Fine have it your way" he said," I got some gang members to kill." I knew he was talking about my gang.

"Fine!" I said, "I'll join and if you lay a hand on one of them I'll murder you." I said getting angry and louder toward the end.

"Okay then" he said with a smirk.

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