Chapter 6: Another

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"Do you like me?" she asked. I again shrugged. "It's a simple yes or no! It only makes sense I can ask you the same question you asked me!"

"Not really," I said. "Same answer you gave me!"

"What do you think of me?" Neptune asked.

"Well, you're certainly a pain in the ass," I muttered.

"What was that?" Neptune asked.

"Oh, nothing!" I said. "I think you're cool and you have spunk."

"Really?" Neptune blushed.

"Yeah!" I said. "Can I leave now?" Neptune guarded the door.

"I don't know!" Neptune smiled. She waved her finger. I stepped closer to her. "You have something I want!"

"Um, that can mean many things!" I blushed. She smirked at me.

"How about this-" Neptune began, her hand on my chest, and then, her lips on mine.


I woke up, my face red hot. That was a crazy dream. I hadn't been asleep long. Only about forty minutes, according to the digital clock on the bedside table. That was weird. I need to think of something else... Oh! This bed was really comfy. The pillows were big and puffy, and stayed cool as it seemed to swallow my head when I proceeded to lay on it. The blankets were also lovely, slightly puffy, and also stayed cool as it kept me warm. I tossed them off of me, and went to see where the girls were.

Neptune continued to play the Manect, and seemed to not hear me when I called out to her. I wondered if she was angry about me questioning her about liking me, and then me saying I don't really like her. The dream was kind of like a terrible continuation of the events  prior. Then again, she was fighting a bigger, stronger dragon.

Compa, Rom, and Ram were all playing together. IF, Noire, Uni, and Nepgear were talking. I took a seat a listened to them.

"-I just don't know what to-" IF was saying.

"Hey Sekushi!" Noire said, waving to me. IF looked up at me, stopping her current thought.

"Hello," I said.

"You look like you just woke up, sleepyhead." IF commented.

"Um, thanks, I just woke up from a short nap." I said, not amused. IF simply blushed, and looked down at her feet. "So, what were you girls talking about?"

"We were talking about-" Uni began when IF launched herself at her and covered her mouth.

"N-nothing!" IF smiled. "Just girl stuff!"

"Yeah!" Noire was blushing now. "J-just girl stuff!"

"Um, okay," I said. They sure were acting weird.

"Well," Nepgear sweat dropped. "I best be getting Neptune."

"Why?" I asked.

"She likes talking to you," Nepgear smiled. It was like they were trying to get rid of a dope guy like me!

"Well, who doesn't!" I smiled. Noire glared at me. I sweat dropped, my face going simple.

"That's not necessary! Neptune's training. Just let her be!" IF smiled. Nepgear shrugged and sat back down.

"Yeah," I said. "I was going to talk to her, but she's too absorbed in that damn Manect. Great name too." I love copyright!

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