Chapter 11: Intermission

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"Hey!" Buddy roared at Ram. "I was using that crayon!"

"No, you set it down!" Ram said, using the purple crayon to color Neptune's eyes.

"I'll get you in trouble!" Buddy sneered.

"Bet," Ram said.

"UNI!!!" Buddy yelled. Uni rushed into the room.

"Yes?" Uni asked. Buddy pointed at Ram.

"She took my crayon." Buddy said.

"Ram," Uni sighed.

"He wasn't using it!" Ram argued. Rom banged her head against the floor, obviously annoyed.

"Was to!" Buddy pouted. "I wanted to draw daddy a colorful picture of a unicorn!"

"Buddy," Peashy said. "You want to use my purple crayon?" Peashy held her hand out, a barely used purple crayon sat in her hand.

"May I?" Buddy sniffled. Peashy nodded. "Thank you!" Buddy smiled. Uni smiled before heading off to her room.

***(Time skip of Buddy, Rom, Ram, and Peashy coloring)

"So," Noire's voice said over the phone. "The palace is still standing?"

"It sure is sis!" Uni smiled.

"I hope my sisters aren't causing a lot of trouble," Blanc asked.

"Yep!" Uni said. "They are angels!"

"What about Peashy?" Neptune's voiced asked.

"Is Buddy behaving?" Sekushi's voice asked over the phone. (WHOA!!! THIRD PERSON!!! Might I add how handsome he is?)

"Both Peashy and Buddy are being good!" Uni smiled. Then a bang was heard.

"What was that?" Blanc's voiced asked. A slight tone of anger seemed to sharply pierce itself into Uni.

"Probably nothing!" Uni said quickly. A loud crash ran through Lowee.

"BUDDY!!!" Rom's voice yelled.

"What did that stupid bear do?" Blanc's pissed off voice asked.

"Whoa!" Sekushi cried out. "You aren't talking about my son are you?"

"In fact, I am speaking of your son!" Blanc said, her voice getting distant.

"What are you doing?" Sekushi's voice quietly asked.

"Nothing," Blanc's voice giggled. A crash was heard over the phone, causing Uni to pull the phone away from her ear.

"OH GOD! WHAT THE HELL!?" Sekushi's voice screamed. "YOU NEARLY CUT MY LEG OFF!!"

"Oh my gosh!" Neptune's voice said.

"You're lucky I missed!" Blanc evilly said.

"Should I call back later?" Uni asked. No answer. "Hello?" Still no answer. "Noire?"

***(Time skip of Uni sleeping, waking up, and cooking)

"Kids?" Uni called out. "Breakfast!" The four young kids ran into the kitchen, and sat down at the table.

"What did you make Uni?" Buddy asked.

"I made some waffles!" Uni smiled, bringing out a plate stacked with golden, fluffy waffles. Covered in butter. Bottles of maple syrup sat on the table.

"Wow!" Rom said, salivating.

"Thank you Uni!" Ram grinned.

"Is there orange juice?" Buddy asked as Uni sat down.

"Yep, in the fridge!" Uni was beginning to put a piece if her waffle towards her mouth when she noticed the four kids looking at her.

"Aren't you gonna go get it?" Peashy asked. Uni's face went simple.

"You can walk," Uni stated.

"You told us not to touch anything that could be dangerous!" Rom countered.

"It's a dang fridge!" Uni said with a tick mark.

"Yeah, a dangerous one," Ram said.

"It's not dangerous!" Uni said, slamming her fork onto the table.

"Yuh-huh!" Peashy said.

"It could fall on you!" Buddy shivered.

"Fine." Uni said, giving up. She stood up and opened the fridge as the kids watching in awe and wonder. Uni opened the fridge and grabbed the orange juice. "See, it's not dangerous at all! It's s-" Uni was cut off as the fridge toppled onto her with a crash.

"Told ya!" The kids all shouted.

***(Time skip of Uni using a first aid kit)

"Uni?" Rom asked, stepping into Uni's dark room. Uni lay in her bed.

"What?" Uni asked weakly.

"We made you something!" Ram smiled as she turned on the light. Uni's eyes squinted as the bright bulb in the room flickered to life.

"What?" Uni asked. Buddy and Peashy handed her a big card.

"It's a get well soon card." Buddy smiled.

"We hope you like it!" Peashy grinned. The corner's of Uni's mouth pulled up as she read the card.

"Next time you get juice, don't let the fridge fall on you. Get well soon!" Uni read aloud. "Thanks kids!"

"You forgive us?" Rom asked.

"Of course I do! How can I stay mad at you guys?" Uni said.

"The living room is on fire." Buddy stated. Uni went white-eyed.

"We tried to fuse crayons!" Rom said.

"Yeah! We wanted pretty colors!" Ram explained.

"We used a lighter!" Peashy said.

"Ugh!" Uni groaned.


"You think the kids are doing okay?" Sekushi asked, pouring wine into the glasses.

"Yeah," Neptune smiled.

"Uni has it under control!" Noire smiled.


"Where's the fire extinguisher?!" Uni yelled as the flames rose higher.

"What is that?" Peashy asked.

"The red thing with the white foamy stuff!" Uni hurriedly said.

"That wasn't melted marshmallows?" Buddy gasped.

"Oh my gosh!" Uni cried out as the flames spread.


"Peashy wouldn't do anything wrong!" Neptune smiled, taking a sip of wine.

"Buddy is a star child!" Sekushi smiled, spinning the ice in his glass.

"Okay, I mean Uni hasn't called or anything!" Noire smiled. "I guess everything is fine and dandy!"


"Where is my phone?" Uni asked.

"That was a phone?" Buddy asked.

"What do you mean?" Uni asked.

"We thought it'd stop the fire! We just threw it in an-" Peashy explained as a small bang was heard. A piece of phone case, burning, landed at Uni's feet.

"Oh no," Uni gasped.

"Next time," Rom said.

"Party!" Ram smiled.

"Why is this happening?" Uni cried.

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