Extra: Time with Nepgear

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"Definitely happy to see you!" Nepgear answered.

"Honestly, I forgot you were here with us." I responded. Nepgear held a smile a giggled.

"You are kidding, right?" She asked.

"Wish I was." Nepgear sweat dropped, sighing.

"It's hard to make a boy notice me huh?" She quietly said, but blushed as she noticed I heard that.

"I mean, I'm noticing you now! Full 24 hours. Only Nepgear. Promise!" I flustered. She blushed nervously as she held the door open, twisting the front of her foot into the floor.

"W-Would you like to come in?" She asked.

"Well, if I didn't, I wouldn't be spending time with you like you deserve!" I smiled.

"Oh! Hehehe," Nepgear giggled going red. I could easily tell she had a huge crush on me. Sadly, couldn't say the same about me liking her. "How are you?"

"I'm doing pretty well!" I smiled. "You?"

"Wonderful now. How was Plutia?"

"Good with no Iris Heart!" I laughed.

"That's good! Please come in!" Nepgear held the door open wider to let me in. I did so and took my shoes off. The rooms were all basically the same, so I found a couch and sat down. Nepgear went to another chair.

"You can sit next to me if you want!" I blurted out. I felt my face get a little hot.

"I'd love to!" Nepgear's eyes sparkled. She smiled as she sat next to me and let her head rest on my side. The TV was on, and was showing some casual shows.

"So anything specific you wanna do?" I asked.

"I don't mind as long as it's with you." Nepgear said.

"Okay," I stated. "You wanna swim, or anything? Television doesn't show anything good anymore, and it bores me."

"Is it because you wanna see me in a bikini?" Nepgear asked cutely.

"No, not like you wouldn't look good in one, but it's not like that!" I said. "But if you're wanting me to want you in a bikini, I guess I'll have to. Neptune said I have to spend time with you girls and do what you want." I felt myself blushing.

"Does that mean I can kiss you?" Nepgear asked. "I'm usually shy but I can't think straight right now with you here." I didn't reply, but put a hand under her chin and kissed her. I tried to be passionate about it. Nepgear kissed me back and opened her mouth slightly with mine. Her tongue licked my lips. I broke free. "That was nice!" Nepgear's face was red.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." I commented. I didn't really mind kissing the girls. I wanted something with Neptune, but I didn't think she felt the same. She was honestly just crazy. It was best to not think about it. I was at a low point.

"So, let me go change. And we can swim!" Nepgear smiled. I nodded. She skipped off into the bathroom, apparently not bothering to lock the door.

"I guess I'll change real quick." I muttered. I was half way pulling my trunks up when I heard the door knob jiggle. "Well, shit." Nepgear came out to see a pillow held by me in front of my crotch region. I could tell my face was completely red.

"Oh, um, I wasn't planning, on doing that, but I'll be happy, to let you, be my first. Please have your way with me!" Nepgear blushed, giggling.

"No no no." I flustered. "Wrong idea, very wrong idea! Go back so I can finish dressing!" Nepgear looked slightly upset, and muttered curses under her breath as she half slammed the door. I pulled up my swim shorts and went to the bathroom and opened it, to see Nepgear quickly move her hands up.

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