Extra: Filler (Christmas Special)

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"Did you know that some extras contain secrets?" Neptune smiled.

"Yeah!" I replied. "Like taking the first word in every extra chapter and putting them together? Haha, I saw that once, never tried it though. Actually, quite genius.

"Exactly!" Neptune said. "Now, this can't be an anime. Not yet!"

"Why's that?" I asked.

"We need a filler episode!" Neptune beamed.

"No. Please. No." I said. "I'm good with plot progression and fillers do nothing for that!"

"You're actually terrible with plot progression!" Neptune retorted, laughing.

"Hey, I'm good at some things!" I said, holding back tears.

"Like what? Video games?" Neptune asked, a smug look on her face.


"I'm not good at anything." I grumbled.

"Aw, it's okay love. You're good at making my heart skip a beat. You're my favorite person and my best friend." Neptune said, hugging me.

"Hehe, I love you!" I smiled, and kissed her quickly.

No. Stop. You can't.

"So, um, tomorrow is Christmas?" I said, halting Neptune's quest to get another kiss.

"Is it already?" Neptune asked.

"Yeah, strange year." I said. "A long one, yet it happened so quick."

"I'm with you on that one." Neptune said. "So, um, I guess there's some shopping to do and presents to wrap."

"Wait," I said. "You haven't been preparing?"

"Hm?" Neptune asked.

"You haven't done any Christmas stuff?" I asked.

"No. I'm a goddess, and I can get all my stuff done!" Neptune said. I highly doubted that, despite the fact I didn't think Neptune was lying.

"Okay, you go get gifts, and I'll just decorate your place." I said.

"Hang a mistletoe over the bed alright?" Neptune smirked at me.

Fuck it. It's Christmas. The time for giving.

"Alright, and I'll be sure to give you a Yule Log!" I smiled.

"That sounds almost as good as some Figgy Pudding!" Neptune said with sparkling eyes. I chuckled and hugged her, saying my see you later and heading back to the heart of Planeptune.


The ladder tipped over just as I let the star free of my hands grasp, and it tipped. I crashed into the floor as Buddy sat on the couch with a juice box, juice spraying out of his nose as he laughed uncontrollably.

"Buddy, stop being a brat. Or no Christmas presents." I stated.

"Christmas is my birthday." Buddy replied. "So, I still get presents."

"Just for that, I'm excluding the last scene of all of us opening presents." I said.

"PFFT!" Buddy complained. "Weak!"

"Buddy, I just got done, and I'm too tired to argue." I said.

"Don't you have infinite energy basically?" Buddy asked as I crashed do to the couch.

"It doesn't feel like it." I sighed. Neptune then walked in.

"Hiya!" She cheerfully smiled. She had presents that she laid all under the tree with all the other gifts. "Perfect!" She then looked at me with glee. "So, um, is that mistletoe good?"

"Yes!" I said, jumping up, grabbing her hand, and leading her to her bedroom, pretty much running. I kissed her under the mistletoe as she pushed me onto the bed, our lips never parting, our compassion leading into the night.


The girls (including Buddy) ran around crazily as they tried waking us all up. I groaned, holding Neptune who was still tired and nuzzled into my chest. I kissed her on the head, and she squeaked, opening her eyes to look I to mine before kissing me, moving her body closer.

"Merry Christmas!" I smiled. She kissed me again.

"Merry Christmas Seku!" She grinned. We got up and ready and sat down on the main room, gifts ready and the mood and magic of Christmas filled the room. Everyone looked at you.

"Merry Christmas! Hope it's a good one! Happy Holidays!" We all cheered.

"It's my birthday!" Buddy yelled. "Where are my presents!" He then tackled me.


Happy holidays and I hope they are amazing, filled with love and warmth and I hope you enjoy your time with family and friends!



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