Chapter 15: Battle Over Gameindustri: Part One

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(Neptune's P.O.V.)

I sighed heavily. Nepgear and I were soon going to leave Lowee.

"I should be there with him." I mumbled to myself mainly.

"He told us not to." My sister said. I wiped a tear away from my cheek.

"I'm going." I said, standing up. My body was shaking. It had only been two days, without Brian. The only one who made me feel special. The only one who made my worst days the best days. The only one who I loved more than anything. This beating of my heart and the way he drove me crazy, and making my body feel, weird. I wanted him badly. Nothing else would satisfy me.

"No you can't." Nepgear said, holding her arms out and blocking my exit.

"Watch her see daddy and then not like him!" Buddy giggled, eating out of a tub of ice cream. Mint chocolate chip. Mint. Brian always seemed to smell minty. His jacket mainly. That last kiss also tasted like mint.

"Buddy, can I have some of the ice cream?" I asked. Buddy growled, rolling his eyes.

"Fiiine!" Buddy said, handing me the tub. I took a small bite. It wasn't the same. I frowned, handing it back to Buddy. I turned back to face Nepgear, who was acting like a guard.

"Nepgear," I said, choking. "Please move." Nepgear wasn't moving. I noticed I was now crying

"Sekushi said not to." Nepgear weakly said. I ran at her, pushing her out of the way, tears pouring down my cheeks.

"Sekushi!" I sobbed, falling to my knees. A hand touched my shoulder. I looked up to see Moncile.

"I will accompany Neptune to see Sekushi." Moncile said. "I don't sense any dangers coming. We'll be back soon." Moncile smiled. I smiled, I couldn't help it.

"Really!?" I asked, wiping my eyes.

"Yes," Moncile said.

"Just don't ruin his training," Nepgear said.

"Screw his training up!" Buddy laughed, eating his ice cream.

"Why are you so mean to your dad?" Nepgear asked. I became Purple Heart, and began to fly up with Moncile, who sprouted his wings. He looked at me and I nodded. Moncile took off with me in tow.

(Noire's P.O.V.)

I looked at Sekushi and sighed. He was in deep meditation. His body was flowing and his hair seemed to be in zero gravity, sluggishly moving, like that of a lava lamp. There was something different. This just didn't seem like Brian. I couldn't get close to him. The energy surrounding him was powerful. It hurt just to be in this cave with him. This power as insane. There'd be no problem defeating the demon Ratio, not without a doubt.

At least, that was what I hoped.

I yawned, tired. I had to get back to Lastation with Uni. I flew off.

(Neptune's P.O.V.)

I hovered over the water, my speed from flying causing waves. I dashed towards the mountains.

"Miss Purple Heart," Moncile stated. "Please be careful! Don't disturb Sekushi!"

"I'll try not to!" I replied. I went back into my normal form when I landed. The mountain had a path, winding all the way up to the top. I started to run as fast as I could, Sekushi was the only thing on my mind. I picked up the pace and found a cave. I stopped at looked in. It kept going on into darkness. I ran inside.

(Blanc's P.O.V.)

"You guys really put Uni through all of that?" I asked.

"It wasn't our fault!" Rom stated.

"Yeah!" Ram agreed.

"I had nothing to do with it!" Buddy said. I almost forgot. Buddy and Peashy were here, for some reason.

"Was too!" Peashy said.

"Woah! What a moment!" Buddy said shocked.

"You weren't an angel either!" Rom said.

"Peashy, you were the worst!" Ram said.

"Okay!" Let's go!" Peashy roared, glowing.

"Damn it," I sighed heavily.

(Verts P.O.V.)

I couldn't play games, I couldn't get rid of the long lingering thought of the demon Sekushi called Ratio. Plutia seemed to be fine, opposite of Compa and IF. It was strange to not have him around. Compa seemed highly upset. We all knew that Compa, IF, Neptune, and myself all really liked Sekushi. But he seemed to only like Neptune. I sighed. I didn't want to feel like shit for the day. I shook the thoughts. I went to go talk with the girls.

"Hello girls!" I gave a fake smile.

"Hi," Compa smiled. I could tell she was crying recently. IF was tapping her foot impatiently and Plutia was knitting, making another doll. I could see that it was starting to look like Sekushi.

"Are you making Sekushi a doll?" I asked.

"I'm making every one a doll!" Plutia smiled warmly.

"So, I'll get one?" IF asked. Plutia nodded.

"Me too?" Compa smiled.

"Yep!" Plutia giggled. It was nice that someone had good spirits.

Even if they were the only ones.


(Neptune's P.O.V.)

I stood in front of my love. He didn't look the same. He had horns, a halo, one bright wing of feathers, the other, black red and torn. His hair was floating slightly from the intense energy he was dispersing around him. I tried to get close, but it hurt more and more the closer I got, almost to the point I passed out, but there was still a yard between us. I sat there watching him slowly change.

"These forms don't exist in other dimensions," Moncile explained. "There are in him. If he were to die, he'd lose one of those souls. He can only live as long as he has souls, until he's down to his last one, in which case, he'll die."

"You know a lot about him," I smiled, my eyes not moving from Sekushi. "Do you know if he's single?"

"With how he's been acting, I thought you could tell, but he doesn't have a girlfriend. He doesn't have time for one. He does fall in love, but knows that when it's time to go, that it's time to go."

"I see," I sighed, a tear rolling down my cheek. I love him. I smiled as I looked at him once more. "Let's go."


It was day five when the rumbling started.

And then Gameindustri changed.



"Hello!" Moncile bowed. "I am here for Sekushi, to apologize for the shortness of this chapter, but do not fret! Soon, the fight will start! Next time: Battle Over Gameindustri: Part Two. Until then, ciao!"

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