Extra: The Great Race

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"So, um, anyone else bored?" I asked, sitting on a couch, Neps cuddled next to me.

"I am," IF said.

"Yeah," Noire agreed.

"I could use some entertainment," Vert commented.

"Anyone up for a-" I began.

"No." Everyone replied.

"What?" I asked.

"We don't want to fight," Compa giggled.

"I was actually going to ask if anyone wants to race."

"A challenge of speed?" Blanc asked.

"Wait, aren't you like, Mach speed Brian?" Noire asked.


"That's unfair!" Neptune said.

"Is not!" I retorted. "I'll wear weights!"

"How about you have to carry a ton." Vert said.

"A ton of what?" I asked.

"Not a ton of stuff. A ton. 2000 pounds." IF stated.

"Hm," I thought. "No. That'd be too easy."

"How?" Peashy asked.

"Well, I outran someone who was able to bench press the Earth. That requires some serious muscle. Plus he could fly. I can't in this form. So, I'll let you guys attack me, I won't attack back. I'll also be carrying with me 5 tons. Seem fair?"

"I guess," Blanc stated.

"You're overestimating yourself and expressing a little too much egotistical energy." Buddy commented. "But I want in."

"That's unfair!" I commented.

"It's not!" Buddy replied. "I'll wear weights!"

"Buddy, in all seriousness, where are we gonna get a weight that weighs as much as a universe?"

"I have one in my pocket." Buddy said and began reaching into his pocket.

"Buddy, no." I said. "That'll create a black hole."

"C'mon, you hold together the fabric of space time." Buddy said. "I'm sure a black hole is nothing!"

"Buddy, black holes kill people. It makes them go so fast that it destroys them."

"Ugh, fine. You're no fun." Buddy groaned.

"Alright! So who is in?" I asked. I counted the hands that went up. Noire, IF, Neps, Buddy, Blanc, and Moncile, who was there, for some... reason...


We all lined up at the start line. It was one lap around Planeptune. The outskirts was diverse. Some rocky paths, a steep cliff side, a lake, and grassy paths. I was stretching with the weights holding my body down. It was heavy in my basic form, but it was an easy achievement to carry. However, running a race would be different. Buddy ended up carrying a humongous backpack filled with weird objects. IF raised her a, her gun ready, and fired a shot and we all dashed off.

I gained the lead rather quickly at the start, but ended up getting behind with the girls firing all shorts of attacks my way. I dodged easily, as they only really focused on at my main line of direction, making my sidesteps more frequent. Buddy effortlessly dashed passed me, looking at me and laughing before firing an energy ball at my feet. I jumped and was about to make a smart ass remark as several balls of energy surrounded me, and exploded. The blast projected me upward, where IF fired bullets at me, each hitting, and Noire and Neptune each using a sword, both hitting me and forcing me down onto another energy orb Buddy had conjured.

"Damn it all to-" I sighed before pain sporadically spread throughout my body. I was then hit by something towards the water, and splashed across the surface, like I was a stone being skipped. I landed on the other side and stood up. I started jogging before taking a deep breath and sprinted, causing a whirlwind.

My energy was being expended rather quickly by just absorbing all these hits. It wasn't slowing me down, but dodging was getting much harder. I wasn't expecting it to become this difficult. I sighed and pushed onward, using more energy to boost myself forward. Buddy was in front, no longer firing behind him. Up next was the cliff. IF had no problem using her motorcycle to weave around the curves. However, Blanc was able to hit me hard with a weapon, knocking me off the side. I landed on the side of a spiked rock formation that came from the depths, and jumped onto the side of the canyon, taking the upcoming right U turn much faster. But it was no use, as I was now in last place. I eventually got bored and angry enough to just stop trying, and giving up.

I gave up.

I quit.


I laid on the bed as Neptune walked in wearing a pink, buttoned top with black undergarments. She smiled and giggled as she tossed blankets over herself and wiggled next to me, her arms keeping me in a tight squeeze.

"You're not mad that we all beat you, waited a while, and then came to save you from the Dogoos." Neptune stated.

"I was attempting suicide from Dogoo," I murmured.

"Aw, but that'd be no good!" Neppy slyly grinned. "I'd be so sad without you!" She kissed me deeply, and rubbed her nose against mine affectionately. "I lo-ove you!" She cooed, and nudged her head into my chest.

"Yeah," I said, and wrapped one arm around her, and falling asleep in the warm embrace.


"You missed the deadline!" Neptune said.

"HEY!" I shouted. "Listen, the last week of 2018 was a mess!"

"Like your writing?" Neptune inquired."

"Yes, I wanna finish this book off with my feelings in the garbage." I said monotonously. "Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed or whatever. There isn't gonna be a sequel."

"Yes there is!" Neptune said. "I have an idea for it! We have, like, me trapped in your world or something, and we go on adventures doing some cool stuff. Angels, demons, and new faces! Maybe do some more crossover stuff," Neptune trailed off. I quickly opened a portal and yoted myself the fuck out.

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