Extra: Time with Plutia

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"Will you please calm down?" I told Noire as we walked into the hotel.

"I am calm!" Noire exclaimed. "I'm just a little jittery from what we did back there!"

"Now, that make out session is a secret! We never speak of it again." I said, a tone of seriousness in my voice.

"Yeah, I get it. But it doesn't change the fact that I'll try to get you!" Noire giggled and cuddled into my arm.

"Haha, nice try. I wouldn't leave Neptune for the world!" I smirked.

"I won't give up!" Noire stated in a matter-of-fact style.

"Okay. Just don't piss off Neps too much or she will kill you."

"Hmph, whatever." Noire stated. She was back in her tsundere attitude. I stopped at Plutia's room, but Noire went into her room, slamming the door behind her. I sighed and knocked on Plutia's door. The door opened and I was greeted by Plutia. She gave me a hug.

"Hello, Seku! Welcome!" She smiled.

"Hey Plutes! How are ya?" I smiled, patting her head.

"I am, really, good, now that, you're here!" She grinned. Her voice was more upbeat than normal. She then led me into her room. I took a seat on the couch.

"Ya know, I never would have guessed that you liked me!" I smiled, my face heating up slightly.

"Of course I do! I like everyone! It's like a family!" Plutia smiled.

"I meant like, you have a crush on me?" I asked.

"Hm?" Plutia tilted her head.

"Nevermind!" I chuckled. 'Glad to know one of the girls isn't trying to get into my pants!'

There was then a knock at the door.

"One, moment!" Plutia cheerfully stated before going over to the door and opening it.

"Hey Plutia!" A familiar voice said. I felt my chest tighten and my heart beat quicken.

"Hello!" I heard Plutia answer.

"Sekushi's here right? Noire didn't chain him up or anything, right?" Neptune asked.

"Yes, he is here. Would you, like to, come, in?"

"S-S-Sure! If you, you don't m-m-mind!" I heard Neptune fluster. Suddenly, a pink haired cutie was sitting next to me.

"H-Hey Neps!" I smiled.

"Hi, Seku, sorry about punching you earlier. I wanted to make it up." Neptune blushed.

"It's okay! I've been hit worse!" I smiled.

"But, I still feel bad." Neptune stated. "I let my jealousy get the best of me and I'm sorry. Is it okay if I kiss you?" She asked, her purple eyes gleaming.

"Of course!" I smiled as she kissed me. I felt Plutia frown slightly at the sight.

"I want, to kiss, Sekushi," I heard Plutia say. "I am, curious."

"No way, no how!" Neptune gritted her teeth before taking a deep breath. What was Neps problem?

"May I, kiss you, then, Neppy?" Plutia asked. I held back a laugh before Neptune sat there with her mouth agape. The sight was awfully hilarious.

"No." Neptune blushed.

"Okay, then, maybe later." Plutia said. She then sat down in a chair and fell asleep.

"How does she?" I said and Neptune just shrugged. "So, she is basically you but for another dimension?" I asked.

"If by me you mean a goddess, then yeah, pretty much."

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