Chapter 23: Release of Portals

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I dashed straight towards Genoa, swinging my sword. My sword just seemed to pass through her. She then vanished.

"Was that some sort of clone?" I whispered to myself. Suddenly, there was a large bombardment of multiple black spheres that exploded, sending me high up. Then, Genoa, who was waiting up in the air, swun a downward kick, sending me into the Earth, creating a crater about twenty feet deep. I stood up, my blood barely able to leak out of my body as my wound healed.

"C'mon Sekushi! You can't touch me! I'm too fast for you!" Genoa giggled. "I do enjoy torturing you love!"

"Bitch!" I said in unison with Neps. I stood up, snapping my bones back in place.

"I hate the feeling of these moments," I grouchily stated.

"You amuse me. Satan gave me specific orders to do want I want with you. We can spend all of eternity together in hell!"

"No thanks," I stated. I changed swords, from my katana to my Demon Slayer Sword. I then pulled a dirty trick, making a Teleport Clone. I teleported behind Genoa, her attention focused on my clone, and swung, my strike sliced her in two. However, the smirk on my face vanished after I heard her voice.

"You pull tricks, and fall to them as well!" Genoa laughed, and I felt a large spike impale me. I looked down to see a large red colored rock piercing my body. I coughed up blood.

"Fuck," I groaned. I looked to see Genoa smiling, a portal opened with the rock piercing straight come through me.

"I hope you enjoy toxic!" Genoa slyly said.

"Jokes on you, I'm immune to toxicity!" I laughed, pulling myself off of the rock. I dodged multiple strikes, healing myself in the process, before jumping onto a rock and aiming a swing at Genoa. I threw the sword, which she dodged, but gave me enough time to land a hit with my Holy Sword.

"GAHHH!" Genoa screamed in pain, writhing back from my attack. I landed, and wiped the blood from my mouth.

"Damn," I groaned. "I loved this shirt." A dark red orb landed at my feet before exploding. I reeled back, before receiving a kick, and landing on another orb, which blew up. I flew upwards, and Genoa landed many punches. I crashed into the ground. I glowed.

"Oh, going into another form?" Genoa smiled, somewhat amused by this.

"Super time," I sighed, annoyed. "Can't I just kill you yet?"

"But we need to be together!" Genoa complained.

"Bitch, no!" I said and hovered upwards. I focused. I slowed my breathing. This was gonna take a lot of my energy, but I needed to do something. "Time Fracture!" I shouted, and then realized that I didn't need to shout my attacks nor activation of my abilities, but then again, needed to for readers. Mainly those who are curious to analyze me, maybe put me in a Death Battle, ya know. Just an idea. Or those who think they can kill me. Just wanted to break the fourth wall here. Anyway, onwards.

Time slowly came to a stop. I used my speed to land multiple hits and sword strikes, linking my combos until my hands and feet were on fire, and my attacks fast enough to cause the air to cut into Genoa. I landed a kick, and flew back. Time slowly resumed, and Genoa screamed as my attacks effects started. My leeching attacks made me steal some of her health and energy. (Like a video game)

"You done yet?" I asked. Genoa flew back and landed into the ground harshly. I herd her lowly chuckle.

"Even though I love you, there must be punishment!" Genoa laughed. Black goopy material surrounded her and her eyes were a dark, bloody red.

"Son of a bitch," I groaned. I pulled out my Black Sword. Several tentacles appeared around Genoa, and they launched at me. I dodged multiple attacks. I rolled to the side, maneuvering around the sharp black tentacles. I swung my sword and cut others before they got to me. I teleported up to Genoa, and stuck my sword through her. She screamed. "Energy Blast!" I smiled. I shot a blast of energy through her face. "Kamehameha!" I shouted, and blasted her back, through the side of a hill, downwards, creating a crater. I hovered and flew straight at her, my punches forcing her down more and more. I wasn't paying attention, and a dark blast of fire forced me up. I was up in the clouds, and fell. The land broke my bones. I spat up dark blood. I looked to see a broken bone sticking out of my right arm.

"Seku, Seku," Genoa smirked. "You never seem to learn, do you?" My wounds slowly healed as I sloppily stood up, swaying.

"Fuck you," I said. Genoa growled lowly.

"You won't even fall for my lust for you," Genoa said. "I tried to play nice, tried to let you have me, and to make me your slave. I would have done anything you wanted!"

"I want you to leave me alone!" I shouted.

"No matter," Genoa continued, ignoring me. "I'll just have to kill you." Genoa was now at a blinding speed. I felt punch after punch. My energy was low. I couldn't die. Not now. Buddy's counting on me. The sisters too. Anger rose in me. I then was able to grab one of Genoa's punches. I twisted, and pulled downward and away from me, breaking her left arm. "FUCK!"

"You bitch!" I spat. "I want my son." I felt energy surrounding me. I blasted Genoa back and raced after her flying body.  I equipped my Holy Sword, and stabbed Genoa in the heart, which pinned her to a tree.

"This, isn't," Genoa coughed up blood, as her eyes slowly closed. "the, end..." I breathed heavily and pulled my sword out. I backed away, my lungs gasping for air. Which was weird as I didn't need air to live. But the air contained small amounts of energy. My body was craving for energy. I fell to my knees, and fell over. I heard the girls run up to me.

"Sekushi?" Neptune cried.

"Yo," I gasped.

"Are you gonna be okay?" Neptune asked.

"Sure," I responded after a couple of seconds.

"See if the portal is open!" Noire exclaimed. I stood up, leaning on Neptune for support. I waved my hand, and opened a portal. We walked through.


"DADDY!!!" I heard a loud shout before a furry animal latched onto my face.

"Hey bud!" I said, hugging him. The sisters all reunited with their elders and I received several hugs and kisses on the cheek.

"It's all over, right Seku?" Neptune asked. I wasn't exactly used to her Ultra form, so I was glad to see her as my original Neps.

"Hopefully!" I smiled. "If not, nothing we can't handle!"

"Right," Vert said.

"Well, what shall we do next?" Blanc asked.

"Maybe a party?" Noire suggested.

"I'm down," I smiled.

"Our place!" Nepgear smiled.

"Alright," Uni jumped up and down, excited.

"Let's go!" Peashy shouted. With that, we headed to Neptune's place.


"Heyo! Long time no see BITCHES! I missed all of yous! So, um, I hope you enjoyed." I smiled.

"Sekushi," Neptune stated. "That was a little rude,"

"Ready for tonight's party?" I asked.

"Sure am!" Neptune hopped excitedly.

"Next time: Goodbye Friends!" I waved goodbye.

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