Chapter 12

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Dinah POV

"SETH! RORO! GINA!" I hear Y/N yell as she comes back in the house with grocery bags. I decided to watch the youngest siblings so my parents have some free time on their hands and plus I miss them. Chris asked Y/N to watch Royalty because he had some things to do and he had no one else to watch her. We well Y/N thought it was a good idea to do it together since she wanted to spend time with me and honestly I think it was a good idea.
"Hey baby." I wave at her as I held Seth in my arms. Me and the kids were watching a movie since she left to the store. She plops down next to me and kisses my cheek. "I can't wait till the day we have kids. I hope they look like you." "Girl I don't know why your playing. They gonna look good because of you." She ignores my comment and turns her attention to the movie that is now over.
     She picks up a now sleeping Royalty and Regina and carries them up stairs. I play with Seth since he is still up. What is up with her she was just fine? I place Seth on the floor so that he can play with his toys. I go into the kitchen and put the groceries that were in the bags away into their respected places. I hear Y/N walk into the kitchen. Walks behind me and tries to hug me from behind but I move to the other side of the kitchen putting the bag of chips in the cabinet. "What's wrong with you?" I turn around and look at her.
"I could ask you the same thing. You was just fine when you walked through the door but after I said what I said your whole mood changes." She sighs. "It's not you babe. It's just I don't want my kids to go through what I went through growing up. And once you said that they were gonna be like me better yet look like me all I could picture was them getting bullied and no kid should have to go through that." She looks down with a frown.
     I look over the counter that looks into the living room and see Seth sleep on the floor. I walk over to him and pick him up and place him on the love seat so that he has space to sleep since he sleeps wild. Y/N sits on the couch and I sit next to her.  "Can you tell me about your past? Every time you talk about it I learn something new about you. You've never told me about it and I feel like sometimes I don't even know you." She takes a deep breath.

Your POV

"When I was younger nobody knew I had a penis until I was in 6th grade. Some girl found out because I thought since no one was in the bathroom  I didn't have to lock the stall. And she opened the stall door not checking if someone was in it. All I know is that the day after I was considered 'The Freak'. I got bullied for having a penis. This continued every year of middle school until the middle of 8th grade when I had to change school because this kid named Daniel beat me so bad that I ended up in the hospital. " I looked at her face and I could see the look that I didn't want to get. "After that I ended up moving away from my family. That's when I moved to Los Angeles. In high school it was fine. Until I was 16 and decided to come out to my parents and a week later they put all my stuff out in the driveway before I came home. I was sleeping at friend's house using the excuse of my parents were fighting. The day I was kicked out was the last day I seen my siblings and my parents. I got discovered by a producer and well here I am. There's nothing much to it. I just don't like telling people because who would want to."
"Why didn't you tell me this?" "Because I didn't want you looking at me differently I don't want to be looked at as a girl that's have gotten hurt most of her life. I've gotten over it. So nobody else should worry about it. It's done with." She nods her head and rests her head on my shoulder. "I love you Y/N." I kiss the top of her head. " I love you too Dinah Jane."

Normani POV

"I'm not telling you where she lives. You can't come back into her life after you kicked her out of yours! I'm not betraying her trust. I just got her back as my cousin and now it's like your trying to take her away from me. Your her family you should've been there for her not wait for her to get famous and try to come back into her life. She doesn't need you guys." "She's our family more than she is yours!" I groan in frustration.
"If that's the case why didn't you try and help her get back into the house!? You guys just let her get kicked out and didn't even try to get her back in or to stop them." "We were going to get kicked out too! Im not risking my safety for her."
     I scoff. That's so selfish and they consider themselves more of family then I am. "Y'all are her brother and sister and y'all stopped talking to her after a couple of months she got kicked out. But you'd rather have had her roam the streets looking for a place to stay and starving herself? Y'all make me sick. Just get out." And with that they walked out of the house. "Mani you okay?" I hear Lauren say. I shake my head and walk to my room.
     Gabriel and Ayana came here not that long ago demanding to see their sister. But after what I heard from my mom and what they did to her I don't think that it would've been a great idea.
"Baby it's gonna be okay. You did the right thing. And if anything happens I'm always gonna be here." She says as she wraps her arms around my waist putting her face in my neck. I kiss the top of her head and hug her back.
A/N   So now you know why you don't talk to your siblings and now you know most of your past. Comment and Vote.

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