Chapter 38

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"Babe let's make a bet." Dinah says as she takes out my braids. We went to the beach and they got messed up. I don't want to be walking around with messed up hair so I'm having her take them out. "About what?" "Well you swear so much that I bet that you can't go without swearing for a week." "Babe I did that for 16 years of my life I think I can handle not swearing for a week." I say as I pull out my phone. 
"I bet that you can't go a without taking selfies for a week." "I can go without selfies." Dinah says as she takes out another braid. "No you can't babe. You literally take one everyday in every place that you go. Even in the bathroom." She hits me with the comb and I look back at her while holding my head. "It's true. So what do I get when I win?" "IF you win you can get whatever you want. Plus $500. And when I win I get the same thing."
      I can't wait for when I win this bet. "Whatever I want?" She nods her head. "Alright I can do with that. Let's shake on it." I spit on my hand and so does Dinah and we shake hands and we peck each other on the lips. "The bet starts now."  "Alright your done get away from me." I get up from the floor and look at her sitting on the bed. I walk towards and hover over her as she lays back. "So that's how we do things now?" She looks at me with lust in her eyes. She nods her head steadily. "You want me huh?" "Yes daddy." I lean in to kiss her "Too bad because I'm not losing this bet and it just started." I say as I stand up straight and walk out the door downstairs. "Your an asshole for that." I hear Dinah yell.
       I laugh and walk into the living room to see Lauren and Mani cuddled up on the couch. I go and lay across their laps watching tv just to be pushed off. "Ow! Y'all aren't a nice couple." I say as I look up at them. "We are. Just to each other." Mani says. "Lies. Mani when are you gonna to tell them about you two?" I say referring to my aunt and uncle. "Keep it down! And when I'm ready stop rushing me." "Well someone has to. Lauren is tired of waiting if you haven't noticed. They're going to be fine with it." I say reassuring her. "Fine let's go Lauren." She says as she gets up and grabs Lauren's hand pulling her up stairs.
Normani's POV

     I pull Lauren upstairs and walk to my mothers room. Once we reach there I stand in front of the door. "Are you going to open the door?" Lauren asks me. "What if they disown me? I can live without my parents their my backbone." I say starting to cry. Lauren takes my face in her hands and wipes my face. "Hey, it's okay. If they do, which they most likely won't, I'm still here for you. I love you Normani and I'm not leaving. If they do we can break up and be friends just know that I can't just be friends with you. I love you too much." She finishes as she pecks my lips.
"Lauren is right. We won't disown you. We love you Normani and we don't care if your gay, straight, or bisexual. Shit even if you was a unicorn. Your still our daughter. As long as your happy we're happy." My mom says. "And Lauren if you hurt my daughter you know she has a cousin downstairs that won't hesitate to beat your ass." My dad says looking at Lauren in the eye. I laugh as Lauren nods her head slowly remembering what Y/N did to her dad a couple of days ago.
"I love you mom and dad." I say as I go and hug them. "We love you too. And Normani if guys have sex in my house one time that's your ass. Your definitely not quiet and I don't want to hear my daughter call someone 'papi'." My dad says as I look at Lauren with a shocked face and slap her arm. "I told you not while we are at my parents house." Lauren nervously laughs as she runs downstairs.
"She is something else." My mom says as we laugh. "But she's sleeping either with Ally or Mila downstairs in the basement." I pout and nod. 
     We walk downstairs to see everyone sitting in the living room watching a movie. I go to Lauren and sit on her lap and cuddle into her. "You have to sleep with either Ally or Camila since you don't like to wait till we leave my parents house to have sex." I whisper in her ear. "Okay." She says as she keeps her eyes on the TV. Ding

Aye when you coming back to LA?

To Breezy🙄💨
When the tour is over which is in two weeks. Why?

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