Chapter 49

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Dinah POV

"Cheylise come put your shoes on so we can go!" "No!" As Cheylise runs around the living room. "Ven aquí antes de que te golpee el culo." Cheylise stops running and walks over to Y/N so she can put her shoes on. "Stop threatening the child and leave her be. She can stay with me and Analisa." Sammy says. "Fine. Go play baby girl." "I'm not leave?" "No you can stay and play." She runs to the stairs and tries to run up the stairs. "Don't run up the stairs princess." I say.
      She nods her head and starts walking up the stairs. "Why does she listen to you?" "Porque ella no grita con ella todo el tiempo. Ella dos no ocho." (because she doesn't scream at her all the time. She's 2 not 8.) "So y'all did it to me. I'm perfectly fine." "No your not. That's why your hard headed now." Sammy says in her thick Hispanic accent. Y/N shrugs her shoulders and grabs my sandals. "Your sure you can watch her? We can just take her with us." "No es una problema. She's fine. I can watch her. Plus I have to teach her Spanish like I taught this one. She started that young so I have to start her." I just nod my head and watch Y/N slide on my sandals.
      She gets up and offers me her hand. I grab her hand and she lifts me up and places her hands on my stomach. "Come on let's go see our little ones." "Bye Chey! Thank you Sammy." "De nada Dinah. Go see if your giving me nephews." "She's having girls!" Y/N yells from the door. Me and Sammy shake our heads while I giggle. "I thought her ass would've grew up but no. Because she still yells in the house!" "So what? It's my house. I do what I want. Now I do what I want. Now I do what I want. Now I-" "Solo entra en el carro" (just go in the car.)
      Y/N huffs and goes outside. "You trapped yourself with my goofy ass niece." "Yeah but I love your goofy ass niece so I wouldn't mind being caught in this trap." "Your a good one Dinah. Nothing like that Mariana girl she was "dating" when she was younger. That little girl was a, what do you guys call it- oh a hoe." I laugh. "Pero go. I don't want to make you late." I nod my head and head out the door.
"Hansen?" "We've gotta get that changed." Y/N mumbles. "It will be once we're married but until now it stays Hansen." Y/N stands up and the helps me up. "Can you give me a feet rub when we get home? My feet hurt." I pout and she smiles and nods her head and pecks my lips. We follow the nurse into the room and once we get into the room Y/N helps me onto the bed. The nurse comes over and checks my vitals. "You seem good and well. The doctor will be in here in a few." I nod my head and she leaves. "Have you been thinking of names?" I ask    Y/N.
"Kind of but they're typical names. I don't want our children to have typical names. I mean look at Cheylise. It's not spelt how it sounds and me and Melanie don't know many people with that name either. Plus I want a name that has both of our cultures mixed together." She says looking at me then back down at her phone texting someone. "I never thought of that. But who are you texting?" "Kehlani. I want her to be on this song with me. I'm trying to see if she can do it. But she's really busy." "Oh." I say looking down. "Hey what's the matter?" She lifts my head up and see a tear run down my cheek. She reaches over and kisses my tear away. "Baby what's wrong?" "Your going to leave me for her. She's skinnier than me. I don't have the same figure that I did before."
"Hey! I don't want nobody else but you. And yeah she's skinnier than you but haven't you noticed? I like my women thick. I love the thick thighs with the big breast and fat ass. I love all of that. And I love it even more because it's you that has all of that. Your carrying my kids not her. I love you so much Dinah Jane and I can't wait to marry you and to have our kids come. I only want to bring kids in this world if your the mother of them." "I love you too Y/N." She pecks my lips and smiles. She grabs my hand and there was a knock on the door. The door opens and in comes our doctor and another lady. "Hi Dr. Gomes." "Hi Ms. Hansen and Ms.Y/LN. This is Sandra. She's going to be your midwife. So if you need anything or have any questions you can contact her." "Is this your first pregnancy?" "Well it's her first pregnancy and my second. I have a two year old."
      She nods her head. "Ready to see your kids?" Me and Y/N nod our heads and Y/N helps me lean back on the bed. She lifts up my shirt enough to see my stomach. She goes to sit down and I grab her face and pull her into a kiss. "Thank you." I say almost in a whisper. She just smiles. "Young love. So great." "I'm not young. She's the young one here." Y/N says. "You just turned 21. Your two years older than me. I'm not that young. Can we just see my kids?" "Stop being rude." Y/N whispers into my ear. "Stop being annoying." I whisper back. "I'm sorry for her moment. She's been having a lot of mood swings." Dr. Gomes laughs.
"It's fine. I understand. Here this gel is going to be a little cold if you remember." I nod my head. She squirts some gel on my stomach while Sandra sets up the machine. "What do you guys want?" Dr. Gomes asks as she places the scope on my stomach moving the gel around with it. "She wants girls even though she can't handle the one that she has now but I kind of want one of each." "Well by the looks of it one of you guys got your wish." Dr. Gomes says as she smiles looking over at us. "Well what are we having?" Y/N says cheesing extra hard. Sandra turns the screen around towards us and we take a look. "Aye! I'm right I know the look of that from anywhere. We having girls." Y/N says as she gets up and starts dancing. "Well your not the one that's right. Dinah is. You guys are having a handsome baby boy and a beautiful baby girl." I can feel my eyes start to water as I place my eyes on the screen.

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