Chapter 9:He Finally Told Me <3

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"Hey do you think he's alive"

"Of course he is he's not dead!"

"I'll call the ambulance!"

I slightly try and open my eyes but all I saw was red and blue lights and Dom carrying me over to a truck. When I woke up I was so sore. It turns out that Leonard and his friends were kicking me and throwing glass at my tail when I was lost in my head fainted on the ground. I was sitting in a room with all of my friends. James, Alder, Razz, Cole, Hyp, .... And Dom were waiting for me inside the room.

"Hey Are you okay" Everyone said and started approaching me.

"Cole went outside to get fresh air till he found Leonard and his bratty friends kicking you and throwing rocks and glass at you. Cole then came in and called us all to come to the front of your house and we all looked down at you and you looked like you've been taking a lot of pain. Mostly that big scar on your snout?" Hyp said. Motioning my injuries.

"I'm so weak from all the hitting I've been taking. My tail hurts so much. "I whined while looking at my blue and gray striped tail. I give it a sad look.

"Razz called the ambulance as soon as we saw you beaten up. Dom carried you over to the ambulance truck and was praying for you to be okay. Thanks to him you might've never wake up in your entire life!" James says.

"Hey I'm sorry for what happened over at your house... I-I have feelings for for Rigby...I do." Dom says while blushing and holding my shoulder.

I look down at my tail."I also have feelings for you Dom I always did," I said while blushing a deep red. Right after I told him that a doctor came in saving my life from hearing Dom's respond.

"Exuse me I'm gonna be needing this room to be empty I need to examine the patient he looks like he took a lot of big hits okay guys?" the Doctor says.

My friends leave the room and leave me alone with the Doctor.

"So what happened to you? You seem like you had a bunch of glass stuck in your tail." The Doctor kindly says.

"Oh I really don't have enough information on that since I well passed out. But all my friends say that this guy and his friends were throwing rocks at me and breaking glass over me. My tail is really in pain." I say with a wimper.

"Hmm I'll get you fixed up Ok just don't move your tail at all ok? If you do it'll make the pain worse. "The doctor says as she leaves the room to get her materials.

I sigh and lay back on the bed and sleep for a while. After I woke up she said that while I was asleep she tried to take all the pieces of glass out if my tail to weaken the pain and luckily it did feel a lot better.

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