Chapter 16: My Twin Brother...

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Sup Guys Rigs here, Im trying something add P.O.V's in my story...Soo no further damn adu... let's get to this Chapter!

--??? P.O.V--

"Mom, Dad, what's happening?" I told my parents.

They were grabbing all of my belongings and tossing them in suitcases. My mom, a dark green cat, her belly light green with light orange eyes told me "Son, y-you're going away," she said not on her lovely soothing voice but in, her sad sorrow voice.

I froze when she said that. "What do you mean?" I whined.

"Well, come over here," My mom said leaving the suitcases and sitting down on our couch and patting the seat next to her. "Well, its hard for me to say this but, you aren't our real, son," my mom finally blurted out. I didn't want to believe her. "T-this is a joke right guys!" I stamper turning my head towards my "dad" a red and pink fox. He looked at me with teary eyes. I got off the couch stepped backwards. "N-no t-this can't be true," I shout. "Sorry pal but, we are gonna get you to you're real parents soon," My dad finally says. I nod slowly but run to my bedroom and belly flopped on my bed crying in the pillow. Soon enough I cried myself asleep.


---Rigby/Bruce P.O.V---

"Wait what," I said in my confused tone.

"You have a twin," My mom finally said.

"What! Where is he right now, When is he coming, How is this possible!" I stamper.

"Calm down, He has been living with his "foster" family since he was 1 year old, we couldn't take care of you both because you're father, never wanted 2 pups, just one, and he said that if I don't get rid of one of them well, he was gonna kill him," My mom said plopping her ears down.

I took a look at her, them my paws. "Why would he do that..." I whispered.

"I don't know son, I don't know..." She whispered. There was a long pause in the room.

"But I do have good news," She said breaking the silence. I looked up and met her eyes.

"You're gonna meet him," She said stamping a smile on her face.

I felt happy, that I was finally gonna meet my long lost brother, well twin! I put on a huge wide grin and looked at her again.

"I just contacted them and they should be here in a couple hours, but I gotta go now," My mom said standing up and heading towards the door.

She opened the door and left. After a few seconds by myself my pals came.

"Sooo, Rigs what happened?" Ethan says while plopping himself on a nearby chair. The rest came in and shut the door.

"Well guess what," I began saying.

"Hmm, you...uhh, have a new boyfriend slash girlfriend?" Ethan says.

We all turn to look at him. He starts blushing uncontrollably a bright red we can all see.

"Nope, I have a twin," I said. They were all as shocked as I was.

"Really? That's amazing!" Alder said.

"Wait you barely found out?" Hyp questions.

"Uh yeah?" I respond with my weird expressions. Right after we started small talk about our childhood. After we were making fun of James childhood we heard the door open. We all turned to look at who opened it and saw that it was my doctor. "Guys im gonna need this room empty," he said. After that my pals left.

--??? P.O.V--

I pulled my phone out and contacted my best friend Hikaru,

Me-Boi, guess what...

Hikaru-What do you want NOW?

Me-Im moving...

Hikaru-What Why! You didn't even ask Lark out!?


Hikaru- ;)

Me- Well wanna come over and well, hang out? Before i leave?

Hikaru- Yeah man im on my way...

I turned my phone off and walked towards the door. I walked past it and went outside to wait for Hikaru. After about 3 minutes I saw his car pull by the drive way. When I walked up to his car I noticed he wasn't alone. He brought my secret crush Lark with him. Lark was a gray beautiful wolf. She had pink and purple highlights in her hair. Her tail was so fluffy and pooooffy! I turned to look at Hikaru and noticed him smirk. I gave him the death stare until I noticed Lark looking at me with her left eyebrow raised. I quickly changed expression into an innocent one. Once the car was parked Lark opened the doors hopped out pulling me into a hug.

"Hey ??? How's life?" She said. Oh I feel terrible.

"Well Lark, I uh, *Gulp* well, im moving, away, my parents well, non parents told me I wasnt their real son and that im leaving in a couple of hours," I managed to say.

For some reason she was gonna cry, maybe the part about me not having real parents.

"??? I, I like you," She blurted out. Before I could speak I was being kissed. Her sweet strawberry breath, we were about making out for 20 minutes straight.

"Ahem, Lark and ??? To earth," Hikaru interuppted.

Hey guys sorry for the short chapter, and for taking so long...BUTT anyways thanks you all for reading one of my favorite stories so far! Also thanks to HikaruHouki for lending me your character! And again sorry for taking so long adding him...SOWWY!

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